People with strong legs live longer. What leg exercises make you walk strongly?

In human limbs, legs are stronger and more complex in function than upper limbs. In addition to sports function, strong legs mean healthier in many cases. For example, fitness and leg exercises can promote the secretion of testosterone, thus enhancing sexual function.

There are also many ways to practice legs. There are many ways that we don't have to go to the gym to achieve the goal of practicing legs. For example, some simple exercises can help us practice our legs and make "people with strong legs live longer".

The first action is to squat down against the wall. This action is a bit like Zama bu, but it is more relaxed than serious standing. The key points of squatting against the wall are: stand with your back against the wall, take a big step forward with your feet, slide with your back against the wall, and bend your knees until your thighs are parallel to the ground and 90 degrees from your upper body. Hold for 60 seconds. In order to keep balance, you can stick your arms on the wall. With the deepening of the exercise, you can set a goal and do it three times in each group.

But usually in the office, squatting against the wall is a bit grandstanding, so you can exercise your legs in another way. After all, we exercise leg strength not for bodybuilding, but for health. Then we can try to bend our legs back. This action only needs one square meter of space and an office chair.

The specific actions are: standing behind the chair, supporting the chair with both hands, bending the right leg, and extending the heel of the right foot to the hip. Hold it for a while, then slowly close your feet to the starting position. Repeat 10 times, then switch legs and repeat. Do it 30 times on each leg. In order to increase the challenge, you can also carry 1~2.3 kg. Stand behind the chair, support the chair with both hands, bend your right leg, and extend your right heel to your hips. Hold it for a while, then slowly close your feet to the starting position. Repeat 10 times, then switch legs and repeat. Do it 30 times on each leg.