The importance of edible salt to health?

The main component of salt is sodium chloride, which is the most commonly used condiment in people's lives, but its function is not only to increase the taste of food, but also the basic component of human tissues, which plays an important role in ensuring normal physiological and biochemical activities and functions in the body. The functions of Na+ and Cl- in vivo are closely related to K+ and other elements. Its main function is to control the electrolyte balance in cells, tissue fluid and blood, so as to maintain the normal circulation of body fluids and control the acid-base balance in the body. Na+ and K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ are also helpful to maintain the appropriate stress level of nerves and muscles. NaCl and KCl play a role in regulating the proper viscosity or consistency of blood; The acids that begin to digest certain foods in the stomach and other digestive compounds in gastric juice, pancreatic juice and bile are also formed by sodium and potassium salts in the blood. In addition, the appropriate concentrations of Na+, Cl- and K+ are related, and the imbalance of any ion in the body (more or less) will have adverse effects on the body. If you exercise too much and sweat too much, the Na+, CL- and K+ in your body will be greatly reduced, resulting in imbalance, affecting muscle and nerve reactions, leading to nausea, vomiting, exhaustion and muscle spasm. Therefore, athletes need to drink specially prepared drinks before and after training or competition to supplement the lost salt. Due to metabolism, a certain amount of Na+, Cl- and K+ are excreted in various ways every day, so dietary supplement is needed. The daily demand and excretion of sodium chloride for normal adults is about 3g-9g. In addition, gargling with light salt water can not only treat and prevent oral diseases such as sore throat and swollen gums, but also prevent colds.