Doesn't online health insurance require a physical examination? Do you have a written insurance policy?

There is no uniform answer to the question whether to apply for health insurance online. Different insurance companies and different insurance products have different insurance rules.

Most insurance products only require physical examination when the insured reaches a certain amount or the insured is over a certain age.

Other situations that require physical examination are selective physical examination or random examination according to the informed health status of the insured.

Online insurance is an electronic policy, not a paper policy. Electronic insurance policy and paper insurance policy have the same legal effect. If we need a paper insurance policy, we can freely choose whether we only need an electronic insurance policy or a paper insurance policy or invoice among the options for sending insurance policies and invoices in the information section.

Generally speaking, compared with the traditional offline insurance, today's online insurance not only saves intermediary, agency and other links, but also has lower cost and lower premium than offline insurance, so you can choose according to your own needs.