Pain is not an objective existence, but a subjective feeling. Even if there is objective injury, such as cutting a hole in your foot with a knife, it doesn't necessarily mean it will hurt. For example, a completely paraplegic person will not feel pain even if he cuts several holes under the paraplegic plane. Pain requires noxious stimulation, and nociceptors receive noxious stimulation and generate electrical signals. After coding, the signal is uploaded step by step along the nerve until the center of the cerebral cortex responsible for processing and producing pain, and pain is produced after comprehensive analysis.
? People are gregarious animals, and maintaining certain social ties between people is not only a psychological need, but also an indispensable survival need. When any kind of social bond is broken, even if it is hurt a little, it means a certain degree of social exclusion, and it will also cause certain psychological harm, that is, sadness.
Positive emotions can also help people resist aging. In addition, in the study, positive people live much longer than negative people. Besides, happy people have better hygiene habits, lower blood pressure and stronger immune system than unhappy people. All these, together with Aspinwall's discovery that "happy people actively seek and extract more health information", undoubtedly point to a result: happy people live longer and are healthier.