Anti-inflammation is an important step in injury recovery. However, we don't recommend oral painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs unless the doctor asks. Because taking anti-inflammatory drugs has great side effects. In addition, feeling pain means that your body is communicating with you and telling you that there is something wrong with your body. Trying to cover up this pain will be dangerous and may lead to long-term illness. But Chinese medicine, such as "Jingu Dieshang Pill", is ok. Kung Fu masters have been using it for hundreds of years to help patients recover from injuries. You can also use some topical ointments and tinctures to diminish inflammation and reduce swelling.
In addition, you can also reduce inflammation by eating the right food. Foods rich in omega -3 fatty acids, such as flaxseed oil and cod liver oil, are very effective in diminishing inflammation. For hundreds of years, people have used many plants to help relieve inflammation, such as turmeric, ginger, Ranunculus ternatus, frankincense and rosemary.
Some foods rich in enzymes are also helpful for recovery after injury. The stem and juice of pineapple are rich in bromelain, which can reduce swelling, diminish inflammation, relieve pain and accelerate recovery.
In order to accelerate the healing of soft tissues of the body, such as tendons and ligaments, the body must produce collagen, and sulfur and silicon are the necessary components of collagen synthesis. Foods rich in sulfur include garlic, onion, cabbage and broccoli. Celery, strawberries and oats are rich in silicon.
Maintaining alkaline constitution is not only beneficial to injury recovery, but also beneficial to overall health. But now many people are over-acidic, and acidic constitution is more prone to diseases such as inflammation, viruses and bacteria, arthritis and so on. Alkaline constitution can absorb and utilize nutrients more effectively, generate more exercise energy, and eliminate wastes and toxins in the body more effectively. Therefore, people with alkaline constitution are more efficient, less likely to be injured and more energetic.
The following are acidic foods that should be eaten in moderation:
Edible meat
dairy produce
fine food grains
Other factors that cause the body to be acidic are stress, smoking and drug abuse.
When the body is acidic, nutrients used in other important physical activities will be used to buffer and neutralize the body, that is, to improve the alkalinity of the body, especially the alkalinity of the blood. Calcium, magnesium and other minerals are used by the body to neutralize the acidic body. Persistent acidic constitution will forcibly take these two minerals away from bones, resulting in the accumulation of calcium in soft tissues, while the content of calcium and other minerals in bones decreases, thus causing osteoporosis, arthritis and tendinitis.
Alkaline foods that should be eaten in large quantities:
Most fruits and vegetables (especially raw green vegetables and lemons)
fresh juice
Apple cider, apple vinegar
High quality salt
Just as paying more attention to exercise can prevent injuries, we can also choose to stay healthy every time we sit down to eat. A balanced body is more likely to perform well and have strong self-healing ability. I hope you will never be troubled by inflammation and injuries; If so, I suggest you listen to your body's signals and pursue healthy and natural treatment. Because there are many plants, herbs and foods in our world that have been tested and can cure diseases, slowly heal pain and make us healthy.