① How to distinguish between aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise?
Just as automobile engines burn gasoline to generate electricity, humans also need to burn fuel to get power. The "fuels" of human beings are sugar, fat and protein. But all fuels need oxygen to burn.
When the intensity of exercise is relatively low, oxygen can circulate smoothly in the human body and keep normal breathing. This kind of exercise is "aerobic exercise", such as brisk walking, jogging, yoga, etc. However, the intensity of exercise is relatively high, which requires instant explosive power. What makes us breathless is "anaerobic exercise", such as weightlifting and sprinting.
Aerobic exercise time is long, anaerobic exercise time is short; Aerobic exercise emphasizes endurance and anaerobic exercise emphasizes explosiveness. Aerobic exercise requires a lot of breathing air, which is a good exercise for the heart and lungs and can enhance vital capacity and heart function. Anaerobic exercise emphasizes explosive force, which can exercise muscle tissue and improve basal metabolism.
The main fuels of aerobic exercise are sugar and fat. In the first 20 minutes of exercise, the sugar in the body burns first, and after 20 minutes, the fat in the body begins to burn. Therefore, aerobic exercise is best not less than 20 minutes.
Anaerobic exercise can only use sugar as fuel, and sugar can't be completely "burned", just like putting a lot of firewood into the stove at once. Because there is not enough oxygen, firewood can't burn completely or cleanly, and it is easy to produce lactic acid, and the accumulation of lactic acid will cause muscle aches. This is another main reason why high-intensity anaerobic exercise is easy to fatigue.
Although anaerobic exercise does not directly burn fat, it will indirectly use fat to provide energy after consuming sugar and improve basal metabolism, because the basal metabolism can increase by 130 calories per kilogram of muscle. So many people can lose weight after doing anaerobic exercise.
The essence of fat is excess energy reserve. Sauce sauce has always advocated paying attention to overall calorie consumption. If the total amount of energy consumed by aerobic and anaerobic exercise is similar, then the weight loss effect is similar.
② How should girls choose "aerobic exercise" and "anaerobic exercise"
If you want to lose weight and your body mass index exceeds the standard, the suggestion of sauce is aerobic first, then anaerobic. Because aerobic exercise is not limited by the venue and age, the requirements for the body are not as high as those of anaerobic exercise, it is easier to carry out, produces less lactic acid to the body and does not cause muscle pain.
If you want to shape, you can do warm-up, strength, aerobic, stretching, or anaerobic, just take time to do aerobic every week. In order to avoid skin relaxation caused by simple aerobic exercise.
When doing aerobic exercise, you should also master a scale. Whether the fatigue caused by exercise can be eliminated the next day is also a standard to measure whether it belongs to aerobic exercise. Everyone will be very tired after exercise, but if they can recover the next day, it is normal. If the fatigue can't be eliminated the next day, it means they have exercised too much, which is beyond the scope of aerobic exercise.
Niuermen can also choose some low-intensity aerobic and anaerobic exercises, and the effect is also very good. For example, street dance and aerobics not only provide aerobic exercise, but also some anaerobic exercise-these exercises make you tremble while maintaining a sense of tension, which is anaerobic exercise.
(3) Why can't you lose weight after long-term exercise?
If you walk or jog at moderate intensity 1 hour, you can consume about 250~300kcal of energy, which is equivalent to a small piece of cheesecake. If you don't control your diet during exercise, simply think that you will eat more food if you increase your consumption. Instead of losing weight everywhere, people will gain weight.
Therefore, when reducing fat, it is necessary to control diet and exercise at the same time, and even the combination of diet is more important.
No sport is suitable for everyone. Which sport is suitable for you depends on your own situation. These specific conditions include: age, physical fitness, sports foundation, body shape goals, and presence of diseases.
The reason why our human body is like this is because our ancestors often ran for a long time, waded across the river, climbed trees and threw stones and hunting weapons during thousands of years of evolution. Therefore, long-distance running, swimming, ball games and mountain climbing are the most suitable sports for human body structure.
Girls can try more kinds of sports on the basis of this classification, and they will definitely find the one that suits you best.