Which is better, Mupingfuhaidida Kindergarten or Donghai City?

Compared with Donghai City, Mupingfuhaidida Kindergarten. Mupingfu Haidida kindergarten is better. Muping District Fuhai Dida Kindergarten is located at No.588 Ninghai Street, Muping District, Yantai City, Shandong Province. Is a private kindergarten, a provincial model kindergarten. According to the principle of rich nutrition, delicious health and seasonal changes, the kindergarten has formulated a balanced diet suitable for young children, and publicized the recipes in strict accordance with the requirements to ensure that young children eat safely and healthily in the park! Donghai Kindergarten in Muping District, Yantai City is located at No.9 Donghai Community, No.586 Binhai East Road, Muping District, Yantai City. The recipes are not rich. The venue is not as big as Mupingfu Haidida Kindergarten.