What is the source of innovation?

The source of innovation is the social practice of the masses. Practice is the foundation of knowledge, and practice is the source of knowledge. As an activity to transform the objective world, practice is a purposeful and conscious social activity. In the practice of transforming nature and society, human beings have created unique spiritual and cultural achievements. Without practice, culture will become passive water, and people cannot carry out valuable cultural innovation and creation.

Innovation refers to the act of improving or creating new things, methods, elements, paths and environments by using existing knowledge and materials in a specific environment to meet the needs of idealization or society and obtain certain beneficial results.

Philosophically speaking, innovation is a creative practice of human beings. This practice aims at increasing the total amount of benefits and requires the utilization and re-creation of things and discoveries, especially the contradictions in the material world. Through the utilization and re-creation of the material world, human beings create new contradictions and form new material forms.