Mindfulness brings you physical and mental health.

Some time ago, I read an article about the influence of people's distraction on the body. Our brains, after waking up every day, start working. As long as you keep your eyes open, you will never stop.

If you notice, you will find nothing important, just like a mess, always entangled in your brain. But in this process, it will reduce your concentration on things, which will consume your energy invisibly and is not good for your health.

How can we reduce the entanglement of these useless thoughts, so that our brain can either focus on important events or leave it in an empty state to reduce our energy loss?

One of them always knows and pays attention.

Mindfulness means that consciousness focuses on the present state without too much emotional reaction or judgment.

In most cases, our brains operate unconsciously. This leads to the idea that the brain is useless. If we can detect the state of our brain from time to time, we can use our consciousness to bring our thinking back to the present in time. Experiencing the present life and thinking about the important issues will improve our quality of life to a certain extent.

Life, in many cases, lies not in what we have experienced, but in how we explain our past. This explanation is often the source of our pain. Give yourself a favorable explanation, you will find hope in balance, give yourself an unfavorable explanation, and you will lie flat in an instant in imbalance. Fall into emotional garbage and can't get out, constantly entangled in garbage, can't get out.

Therefore, you should observe the changes in your own thoughts and strive to achieve mindfulness. Keep your mind clear and your spirit free.

Professor mark williams from the Mindfulness Center in Oxford has the following three steps in mindfulness meditation training:

The first step is to realize the present. Choose a comfortable posture and let your attention scan your body from head to toe. Realize which parts of your body are tight, and then relax them one by one. (Silence for 5 seconds)

The second step is breathing space.

Focus on the abdomen, inhale deeply, and then exhale deeply. Experience the feeling of inhaling and exhaling, and let your breath precipitate your mind in the present. (Silence for 25 seconds)

The third step is to expand cognition.

Feel the whole sense of the body. If you feel uncomfortable or nervous in any part of your body, try to gently bring your breath to that part and exhale from that part every time you exhale. (Silence15s)

This method is very simple. About five minutes will make you more focused and happier.