Peace Buddha is Guanyin Bodhisattva. Avalokitesvara has an equal and selfless ambition. When all living beings encounter any difficulties and pains, if they can sincerely call Guanyin Bodhisattva, they will be saved by the Bodhisattva. Therefore, sincere worship of Guanyin Bodhisattva can keep one side safe. The so-called "every family has Amitabha and every family has Guanyin" is a manifestation of Guanyin belief.
According to legend, his birthday is February 19, enlightenment day is June 19, and nirvana day is September 19. It is said that the Dojo is Putuo Mountain. Belief in Guanyin has a far-reaching influence in China, resulting in various folklore about Guanyin. For example, it is widely circulated that Guanyin is the third princess of Miaozhuang Mountain in Xinglin country.
This female Guanyin legend can be seen in Zhu Bian's Old News of Quyi in the Song Dynasty. Later, Guan Daosheng's Biography of Guanyin Bodhisattva became a complete biography. On this basis, a large number of Guanyin story books have come out one after another, such as Xiangshan Baojuan, The Complete Biography of Guanyin in the South China Sea and The Way of Guanyin.