When drinking water in the morning, will drinking half cold water and half hot water affect physical and mental health?
As we all know, drinking water in the morning has many benefits to physical and mental health. When the body is short of water, there will be various main manifestations: according to the skin condition, the skin looks dull and has not been stretched; Look at urine, because you will consume a lot of water in the process of falling asleep after getting up in the morning, you will be prone to dry mouth, bitter taste and bad breath after waking up the next day. Seeing that the urine is dark brown indicates that the human body is short of water;
Judging from the reaction speed of the human brain, when the human body is short of water, the physiological function of the human brain will also be threatened, and it is prone to syncope, headache, dizziness and confusion. And everyone needs hydration. At this time, drinking a glass of water can alleviate the above situation.
The first method: immediately mix half of the drinking water with boiling hot water.
Some people think that drinking tap water since childhood has no health problems. Why can't they drink now? The air pollution is poor, and there are probably a lot of dust, pathogenic bacteria and their permanganate index in drinking water. Permanganate index is a component that people want to inhibit germs in the process of logistics and transportation. If purified water contains permanganate index, large intake will increase the risk of poisoning. The existing security risks are very large, so it is not recommended to do that.
The second method: mix cold water with boiling water.
Cold boiled water is already boiled water. If it is solved by high temperature, the germs and pathogens that will appear in the water will be removed, so it is not easy to have risks when drinking. Drinking that kind of water with hot water is a good way to save everyone time. Another form is to directly mix boiled hot water with mineral water and purified water. Even if it is not cooked, it will not pose a threat to health. Drinking that kind of water with hot water is also a very good way. You can do this for people who wake up in a hurry in the morning.