Acupuncture treatment of health

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the basic pathology of a cold is that the exterior and the interior are different, and the lung loses its body fluid. Acupuncture treatment can relieve cold symptoms, because colds are usually caused by exogenous cold or damp heat, and acupuncture is precisely to strengthen the body resistance and eliminate evil, clear away heat and cool down.

Principles of acupuncture and moxibustion in treating colds

Acupuncture can strengthen the body resistance, dispel pathogenic factors, clear away heat and dispel cold. As the name implies, strengthening the body resistance is the ability to help resist diseases, while expelling pathogenic factors is to remove the cause, clearing away heat is to clear away heat, and warming cold is to drive away cold by warming, which is similar to treating heat with cold and treating heat with cold, so acupuncture has obvious effect on relieving colds.

Syndrome Differentiation Treatment of Cold

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Cold type cold

Symptoms: mild fever, stuffy nose and runny nose, headache, no sweat, itchy throat, sore body, cough with phlegm, thin white fur and tight pulse.

Treatment principle: expelling wind and cold, dispersing lung and relieving exterior syndrome.

Acupoints: Legqog, Xiang Ying, Fengchi, Hegu, Legqog and Fengmen.

Principle: Fengchi is the intersection point of Yangwei pulse. Taking this point and the valve of the bladder meridian of Foot Taiyang can relieve exterior syndrome, dispel pathogenic factors, dispel wind and dispel cold. Liezhen is a point of lung meridian, which can spread the lung and induce resuscitation, and has a good effect on treating nasal congestion, runny nose and itchy throat. Welcoming incense with Yangming meridian by the hand beside the nose can promote lung qi and benefit the nose; Taking the Yangming large intestine of the hand through the original point and merging it with the valley can dispel wind and spread the lung, relieve exterior syndrome and reduce fever.


wind-heat fever

Symptoms: severe fever, mild aversion to cold, excessive sweating, head and body pain, stuffy nose and runny nose, thirst and sore throat, cough with thick yellow phlegm, thin yellow fur and floating pulse.

Treatment principle: dispelling wind and relieving exterior syndrome, clearing heat.

Acupoints: Akazawa, thenar, Dazhui, Quchi, Waiguan and Shaoshang.

Principle of acupoint selection: Wind-heat invades the lung, and heat burns the lung, so as to clear the spleen. Taking Taiyin lung meridian Qize joint point and Xing point thenar can relieve exterior syndrome, clear the lung, relieve cough and relieve sore throat. Take the meridian of Yangming large intestine of hand at the confluence of Quchi, Du Meridian Dazhui at the intersection of hands and feet and Sanyang, and Sanjiao meridian of shaoyang of hand to relieve exterior heat; Take the Taiyin lung meridian of the hand, and point it at the well point to bleed, so as to purge heat and evil.


Summer-dampness attacking exterior

Symptoms: dizziness due to summer heat, stuffy nose and runny nose, aching limbs, aversion to cold and fever, or less body heat, no sweat or less sweat, chest tightness, yellow and greasy tongue coating, and rapid pulse.

Treatment principle: clearing heat and drying dampness, combining exterior and interior.

Acupoints: Kongzui, Hegu, Zhongwan, Zusanli, Zhigou and Gongsun.

Principle of acupoint selection: summer-heat and dampness will damage the exterior, and lung and health will not be harmonious. Take the points with the most lung meridians of Taiyin hand, and combine the original points of Yangming large intestine meridian with the valley, dispersing lung and relieving exterior syndrome, clearing heat and drying dampness; Summer and humidity are internal, and the right to rise and fall is lost. Therefore, it is necessary to take Zhongwan, Zuyangming Stomach Meridian and Zusanli, which are points for nourishing the stomach, to harmonize and strengthen the stomach, so as to dry dampness and reduce turbidity; Take the branch groove of collateral channel of the triple energizer meridian of Gongsun and Shaoyang's hand, and the intersection of the point of Taiyin spleen meridian and Chong point, and adjust the triple energizer to eliminate summer heat and dampness.

Acupuncture has a good effect on treating colds. For people who have a long-term cold, the general course of disease is about 5 days. If there is bacterial infection, the condition will get worse, and they can cooperate with drug treatment. The flu is serious and needs medical treatment; Some acute infectious diseases, such as encephalitis, meningitis, measles and whooping cough, have symptoms similar to colds in the early stage, so we should pay attention to syndrome differentiation and treatment.