2 1 Century What are the main health problems facing China?
2 1 century is an era of accelerated global economic and social development and rapid improvement of human health quality. Public health is facing unprecedented opportunities and severe challenges. Various health problems that affect people's health and even lead to death are caused by various natural and social factors, human lifestyles and production behaviors. All belong to the category of public health problems. With the emergence of social problems such as industrialization, environmental pollution, aging population and accelerated pace of life, as well as unhealthy lifestyles such as smoking, alcoholism, drug abuse, lack of physical exercise and mental stress, people's health is increasingly affected, and cerebrovascular diseases, hypertension, stroke, coronary heart disease, cor pulmonale, tumors, diabetes and other chronic non-communicable diseases and accidents closely related to lifestyles. At present, these diseases account for more than 80% of all deaths in urban areas and more than 70% in rural areas [2]. It can be seen that the main public health problems in 2 1 century will be environmental deterioration and unhealthy lifestyle.