A pen pal sent me a big bag of newspaper clippings from New Zealand. What should I do if I want to collect stamps?
I think what teacher Cui Pangwa said is quite good and worth referring to. Need to enter the water to cut tickets, wash them into letters and issue tickets, which has no effect. However, we must pay attention to the washing process. The hydrology in winter should be about 50 degrees, otherwise it will not wash down, and it will be 30 to 40 degrees in summer. Stamps should be soaked in water for about ten minutes, and then see if stamps are basically separated from paper-cutting and cannot be torn hard. At present, the glue paste is generally easy to be soaked, and a lot of water will automatically separate after a period of time. If it is not opened, it means that the glue is thick and will be soaked again. Rinse the residual glue on the back of the stamp gently with another basin of clear water, take out the water, put the stamp in the supermarket on dry absorbent paper, turn it over and put it in other dry places on the absorbent paper, then put it on the dry paper to dry until it is half dry, put the stamp in a thick book, put the book on a flat plate, press the heavy object on the book, and put the stamp in the book after a few minutes.