It also advocates diet health care, improves intestinal environment and promotes health. Unreasonable consumption of acidic meat accelerates the acidification of the body, that is, it accelerates aging and is prone to illness. Advocate vegetarianism, and vegetarianism containing alkaline substances is more conducive to health.
Probiotic therapy is the best way to improve intestinal health and form a virtuous circle. Never take laxatives. It may look good for a while, but it will not be good for a long time.
Honey, probiotics, etc. Promote intestinal health, with better effect. Xylo-oligosaccharides have a good effect.
By adding beneficial bacteria, probiotics, fructooligosaccharides, xylooligosaccharides, lactic acid bacteria tablets, natural inulin, etc. The beneficial bacteria in the body can resist viruses and germs and overcome intestinal problems.