Shanghai aunt milk tea 0 calories

0 calories of aunt milk tea in Shanghai is about **300 calories * *. However, it should be noted that this milk tea is not really sugar-free, but the taste is not so sweet. So although the calories are relatively low, it still contains some sugar.

In addition, for different kinds of milk tea, its calorie content will be different. For example, the heat of hand-washed blood glutinous yogurt is about 205 calories, the heat of hand-washed passion fruit yogurt is about 202 calories, and the heat of bubble tea is about 220 calories.

In a word, Aunt Shanghai's 0-calorie sugar milk tea is low in calories, but it should be drunk in moderation. At the same time, for people who lose weight or control their diet, it is necessary to combine proper exercise with a balanced diet to keep healthy.