Coordination is the inherent requirement of sustainable and healthy development. Only by strengthening coordination can China's economic development be stable and far-reaching. The problems of unbalanced, uncoordinated and unsustainable development in China are still outstanding, especially the contradictions such as unbalanced regional development, uncoordinated urban and rural development, unreasonable industrial structure and "one leg is long and one leg is short" in economic and social development. Professor Xiong Deping defined the theory of coordination and coordinated development as "the general name of ideas, theories and methods to explain and solve the problems of coordination and coordinated development". It is believed that "since the history of human thought, there has been an ideal of coordinated and coordinated development, and we have been constantly seeking ways and means to realize this ideal and accumulated extremely valuable theoretical resources." However, the complexity of coordination makes the theory of coordination and coordinated development a collection of multidisciplinary related theories and methods. "
According to the needs of the research task, Professor Xiong Deping summarized and demonstrated this from two aspects: economic development theory and system science theory. We should firmly grasp the overall layout of Socialism with Chinese characteristics's cause, correctly handle the major relations in development, and strive to promote the coordinated development of urban and rural areas? Promote the coordinated development of economy and society, promote the synchronous development of new industrialization, informationization, urbanization and agricultural modernization, pay attention to improving the soft power of the country while strengthening the hard power of the country, and continuously enhance the integrity of development.
Regional integration