Begging children to lose weight plan

The slimming advice for children is different from that for adults. Different from adults, children need extra energy for growth and development besides meeting the daily consumption of metabolism and physical activity. Children who eat too little may not get enough energy to grow up. Therefore, children's energy intake should not be reduced too much, and the suggestions for children to lose weight are quite mild.

The usual weight loss advice for children has two goals. The first is to ensure the normal growth and development of children, and the second is to help children achieve a healthy weight. According to these two goals, children's weight management experts put forward slimming suggestions suitable for most children.

When do you keep your weight?

Keeping weight can make children "grow" into a healthy weight on the premise of growing taller. If children are encouraged to develop a healthy diet and exercise pattern, they can prevent extra weight gain without "dieting" and maintain their weight for a long time. Compared with adults, children can use a healthy diet and regular exercise more successfully to keep their weight in a healthy range for a long time.

The weight management strategy also applies to three-year-old children. One method holds that it is most reasonable for overweight children to control their weight gain within 2 pounds (1 pound = 453.59237 grams) for every inch (1 foot = 30.48 cm). After the child is 4 years old, he should maintain his weight until the body mass index (BMI) falls within the normal range (below 85%). For children's body mass index, please refer to children's body mass index). There are similar suggestions for children over 7 years old-children with "overweight risk" should reach a healthy weight when they grow up, that is, keep their weight when they grow taller.

When do you lose weight?

Children under 7 years old are generally not recommended to lose weight. This is only applicable to children with overweight body mass index and weight-related health problems (such as high blood pressure or high cholesterol). Any slimming therapy applied to children should be specially designed for children, and the slimming results should be tracked. The adult slimming program is not suitable for most children.

In most cases, the monthly weight loss of children should usually be limited to 1 lb (1 lb = 453.37g). At this time, the child can continue to grow taller and muscles. Children can gradually lose weight, and achieving this goal will bring a sense of accomplishment to parents and children. In addition, with the passage of time, a healthy eating pattern can become gentle (slimming) and easy to adhere to.

(zt from /science/tochild_advice.htm)

Children's differentiated diet

Children's diet is different from that of adults. Ordinary children's food is high in fat, and fat is the nutrient that converts the most calories ―― 40-45 calories per teaspoon of fat (about 20 calories per teaspoon of pure protein or carbohydrates). Potato chips, hot dogs, fried chicken nuggets and biscuits are just some of the high-fat foods that children eat. Some foods are not nutritious, but high in calories. If fruit juice, soft drinks (non-alcoholic drinks) and snacks are used, most children will get extra calories from these foods.

Some simple foods can improve the diet of contemporary children. Whole grain food can provide fiber, maintain gastrointestinal health and enhance satiety. Choosing water, other calorie-free drinks, or low-fat or skim milk as drinks can help maintain a healthy weight. Fruits and vegetables provide healthy nutrition and enhance satiety without increasing many calories. Some oils, such as rapeseed oil or olive oil, provide an important nutrient-vitamin E.

Effect of food consumption

In China, the serving size and weight have increased in the past 30 years. Restaurants, fast food restaurants and fast food are eight times the recommended amount of healthy eating. Studies have found that children eat more when faced with large portions of food. Most children, like adults, will eat all the food put in front of them instead of stopping when they are full. Eating a lot risks eating more calories than your body needs.

The increase in soft drinks is the most obvious. Depending on the size of the bottle, the serving size of a soft drink is between 350 and 500 grams, compared with 150-200 grams 30 years ago. Soft drinks are thought to be related to weight gain, because researchers have found that when the amount of soft drinks in the diet increases, the total calories will also increase. A study in Britain found that children who drink less soft drinks lose weight after one year, while children who don't drink soft drinks gain weight.

(zt from /science/cal_child.htm)

Parental responsibility

Parents have several important responsibilities in creating and maintaining a healthy family environment. One of the most important duties is to set an example. Parents are the first and most influential role models for their children, including choosing food, developing eating patterns, and forming attitudes, values and beliefs about food and diet. For example, if parents think it is important to eat a healthy breakfast and do it every day, then the children at home are likely to automatically agree with this view.

Parents are also suppliers. They buy food, toys and sports equipment to encourage physical exercise for their families. Parents not only provide healthy and nutritious food, but also provide big meals irregularly. They also create a consistent and supportive environment and encourage the whole family to cultivate a lifestyle including healthy eating.

As executors, parents exert a positive influence on children's food and eating behavior. For example, parents help children learn to obey and respond to hunger and satiety signals in the body. This compulsion helps children learn to eat only when they are really hungry, not out of boredom. The overall goal of the executor is not to become a "family food policeman", but to ensure that food choices and eating patterns can support the overall health and happiness of all family members.

(zt from /science/parents_child.htm)