People often say that life is inseparable from self-confidence, which supports life. People-once you have the right self-confidence, you will have a successful life. Gorky once said: "As long as you have the desire to live and have confidence in your own strength, then the whole life is a beautiful clock, a great clock full of spiritual strength and shocking with its lofty achievements."
After being deaf and depressed for a period of time, Beethoven, a French composer, rallied with self-confidence and issued a strong roar of "Let me conquer myself". He finally overcame his inferiority and self-abandonment, took control of his own destiny and became a great musician.
Physiologists remind people that patients with any disease, if they have strong self-confidence, can mobilize their positive forces to fight against the disease, which is conducive to conquering the disease. The power of this belief is one's own "spiritual immunity".