Take this epidemic as an example. Academician Zhong Nanshan appealed to people to pay attention to personal hygiene more than once. Wash your hands frequently, pay attention to personal hygiene and don't spit everywhere. Because washing your hands frequently can wash away the bacteria on your hands, keep yourself away from diseases, reduce the chance of being infected by others and reduce the chance of getting sick. When you are less sick, your spirit will be particularly good and your mood will be very happy. Therefore, paying attention to personal hygiene is not only responsible for yourself, but also for others, because when you pay attention to hygiene, you will get less sick, which will reduce the chance of infecting others. Two: Pay attention to personal hygiene, which can maintain a good personal image.
Imagine, would you like to make friends with a neat person? Or make friends with a messy person? If you are a normal person, you are willing to make friends with a neat person, because it pays attention to personal hygiene, can maintain a good personal image and is easier to make friends. Moreover, paying attention to personal hygiene conforms to social etiquette and can be respected by more people. Three: Paying attention to personal hygiene can help us maintain good living habits.
It takes 2 1 day to form a habit, so when you want to form a good personal hygiene habit, you only need to stick to 2 1 day. For example, you can change clothes and cut your nails frequently. If you do these things often, you can keep good living habits and get your daily necessities on the right track, so as to stay away from untidiness.
In short, it is very beneficial to pay attention to personal hygiene, such as keeping you away from diseases and developing good living habits.