What's the use of reading health code without scanning?

Without scanning, you can directly see the color of the health code at a glance. Green code is allowed, and scanning code is not required. You log in with a green code, not only with color but also with time (dynamic).

The green code can first determine your exact location, and the second can prove that you have no fever, especially when you enter and leave the community, you should scan the code to take your temperature. The health code will record the trajectory of your location change by all means, such as scanning the code in a store when your mobile phone signal is connected to the base station, allowing location information permission when the app is not closed, and so on.

Why do you want to read the Health Code?

When entering shopping malls or public places such as residential areas, the bright code only shows the inspectors their "green code" and "proves" their "safety". This is very necessary. The "health code" is like a citizen's electronic identity QR code, which provides a convenient digital travel voucher for citizens. The color of the "health code" reflects my current health status during the epidemic and whether there is a risk of infection.

Scanning code can record personal action trajectory data with the help of big data. Once an epidemic occurs, it can provide accurate epidemiological information, greatly improve the intelligent level of epidemic prevention and control, and protect personal health to the greatest extent. So, do a good job of health code scanning registration and be responsible for yourself and others.