Whether it's poverty, wealth, health or pain.

I (groom's name) marry you (bride's name) as my wife. From today on, it is God's divine will to love, respect and cherish you in good times and bad, in sickness and in health, until death do us part. I swear to you.

I (groom's name) accept (bride's name) as my lawfully wedded wife. From today on, in our lifetime, I will love her, be loyal to her and cherish her, no matter good or bad, no matter rich or poor, no matter sickness and health. As God is my witness, I swear here.

I extracted this English, and I translated the Chinese in pure English. There was no polishing in Chinese, and some places were partially adjusted according to Chinese habits. It may not be accurate, but it has certain significance on the whole. I hope it works for you.