(1) As can be seen from the picture, the most food you eat every day should be cereal on the first floor. This kind of food is rich in sugars such as starch, which is the main source of human energy, and can also provide carbohydrates, protein, dietary fiber and B vitamins. Pay special attention to the collocation of coarse and fine grains. Don't eat single polished rice and white flour for a long time.
(2) Vitamins do not participate in the formation of human cells and do not provide energy for the human body. Moreover, the human body needs few vitamins, but it plays an important role in various life activities of the human body. Scurvy is due to the lack of vitamin C in the body, and there are more vitamin C in fresh vegetables and fruits.
(3) protein is the basic substance that constitutes human cells; The growth and development of human body and the renewal of tissues are inseparable from protein; Teenagers are in a critical period of growth and development, and there is a great demand for protein. Therefore, teenagers should ensure comprehensive and reasonable nutrition, especially pay attention to the intake of protein. In diet, they should pay more attention to the intake of food on the third and fourth floors of the pagoda, which can provide rich protein.
(4) Vitamin D can promote the absorption of calcium and phosphorus and the development of bones. When people lack vitamin D, they are prone to rickets (such as chicken breasts, X-shaped or O-shaped legs, etc. ) and osteoporosis. So the answer is: (1) cereals; Sugar; (2) bad blood; (3)③; ④; (4)D。