For example,? we? Is it okay? Going? Where to? Swimming? Are you online? That? Summer? Vacation. ? Or? we? Is it okay? Take? Answer? Walking? After that? Dinner. Do sports? Manufacturing? We? Healthy? And then what? Strong. ? Second,? we? Should? Take? More? Vegetables And then what? Fruit? And nothing? Candy. ? Stop? Eat? Rubbish? Food? And then what? Drinking? Beer. ? Finally? But? Isn't it? At least? we? Should? Going? Want to sleep? Morning? And then what? Are you awake? Up? Very early. ? we? Should? Really? Is that enough? Sleep? Or? we? Will. Get? Sleepy? Are you online? That? During the day ? What if? we? Pay? More? Attention? Where to? That? Tips? Above,? we? Will. Really? Healthier? Body. ? Me? Wish? Everyone has it? Answer? Strong? And then what? Healthy? Body.
We all know that health is very important to everyone. But do you know how to keep healthy? This is a practical building.
Discuss it. First of all, we should do sports if we have time. For example, we can go swimming in the summer vacation.
Or go for a walk after dinner. Doing exercise makes our bodies stronger and healthier. Second, do you want to eat more? Eat more vegetables and fruits and less candy. No junk food and beer. Finally, we should go to bed early and get up early. If you don't get enough sleep, you will be very tired the next day. If we all pay attention to our health and follow the above suggestions, our health will be better. I hope everyone has a strong and healthy body.