Do you know the harm of milk and dairy products to human health?
In modern society, milk and dairy products are widely eaten by human beings. Most people, including nutritionists, doctors and health care experts, believe that drinking milk and eating dairy products are only good for human beings, not bad. Is that really the case? Don't! There is no doubt that eating milk and dairy products does have many benefits to human health. However, many experts' research results and countless facts show that for most people, eating milk and dairy products does more harm than good. It's just that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages for two kinds of people: (1) babies who lack human milk; (2) Teenagers, youths and adults who are in good health. Even the latter, eating milk and dairy products has many disadvantages and is not worth promoting. Children's allergies, asthma, allergic rhinitis, tonsillar enlargement, rash, adult arthritis, back pain, ulcerative colitis, multiple sclerosis, osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases, reproductive system cancer, immune system disorders and other diseases are closely related to eating milk and dairy products. For babies, human milk is much better than milk. Human milk and milk are both nutritious foods. The content of protein in milk is very high, which is three times that of human milk. Milk and dairy products contain at least 25 different types of protein (protein). Protein in milk is mainly casein, and human milk is mainly albumin. Human milk tastes sweeter because the sugar (carbohydrate) content in human milk is higher than that in milk. In terms of minerals, milk is deficient in iodine, iron, phosphorus and magnesium, and human milk is rich in content. Human milk contains two important substances: one is lecithin, which belongs to phosphorus fat; The second is taurine, an amino acid. These two substances are lacking in milk. These two substances are involved in the development of the baby's brain, so breastfeeding is beneficial to the development of the baby's intelligence. There are two other amino acids in human milk, cystine and tryptophan, which provide excellent nutrition for babies. The content of these two amino acids in milk is higher than that in milk and other milk. From the comparison of human milk and milk components, we can find the fact that human milk and milk are provided for calves or babies to drink. Careful observation of the growth difference between calves and babies shows that milk was originally the food of developing calves. Drinking milk after birth promotes the rapid development of their bones and weight, and their weight doubles every month (the first three months after birth), but their brains develop very little and slowly. In contrast, it takes six months for a human baby to grow to twice its birth weight. The baby's development, the body growth rate is slow, but the brain development is extremely fast. It is faster than all animals. Most of the protein contained in milk is casein, which is a large, hard and dense curd that is extremely difficult to digest and decompose. Casein is suitable for cattle with four stomachs and can be completely digested by continuous ruminant digestion and decomposition. The protein component unit of human milk is quite small, belonging to soft curd, which is easy to digest even for newborns whose digestive system is still developing. Children after three years old should not drink milk. Milk contains two important ingredients, one is lactose and the other is casein. Both of these components depend on the decomposition of specific enzymes. For example, lactose is broken down into simpler components by lactase, and casein is broken down into simpler components by rennet. Compared with human milk, the casein content of milk is three times that of human milk. Casein, a thick and rough thing, is like glue that binds wood. Dr Harvey pointed out that casein factor in milk is an important factor causing indigestion. Because milk contains casein and fat, it will be extremely inappropriate to match with all foods. When milk enters the stomach, it will naturally form curd, which will surround the food left in the stomach. This isolation phenomenon will cause isolation and hinder the digestion of other foods until the curd is digested. Only in infancy (before the deciduous teeth are even) does the human stomach contain this chymosin which can digest casein. When the child is about three to four years old, the deciduous teeth are fully developed, and these two enzymes will disappear from the digestive tract and will not be secreted for a lifetime. Therefore, from the perspective of digestion, children after the age of three should not drink milk. From the composition analysis of milk and human milk, it is best to breastfeed with human milk from newborn to six months, so that the brain development and nutritional status can be sound. During the period from more than six months to the emergence of deciduous teeth, milk can be used instead of human milk. If you are over three years old or your deciduous teeth are full, you should give up the intake of milk and replace it with natural grains, beans, vegetables and fruits. If children over three years old continue to drink milk, it will do more harm than good, which will cause children's allergies, asthma, allergic rhinitis, tonsillar enlargement, rash and other diseases. Relationship between eating milk and dairy products and diseases Milk and dairy products are the chief culprits of food allergies. Milk and dairy products contain at least 25 different types of protein (heterogeneous protein), which is the main cause of human allergic reaction, and diseases of human immune system are also related to it. Milk and dairy products are the main causes of food allergy in infants. Breast-fed babies rarely have allergic reactions. If the mother is still a large consumer of dairy products, allergic reactions can cause abdominal pain and other diseases by feeding with milk. Eating milk and dairy products will aggravate gastric ulcer and ulcerative colitis. The reason is that dairy products contain a high concentration of protein, and protein must rely on the stomach to secrete more gastric acid (mainly hydrochloric acid) and digestive enzymes for digestion. Multiple sclerosis is related to eating too much milk and dairy products. Multiple sclerosis in neurology is still difficult to treat. Epidemiological studies show that the incidence of multiple sclerosis is related to excessive intake of milk and dairy products in infancy, and people who eat milk rarely suffer from this disease. Adult gastric ulcer and ulcerative colitis, frequent acute tonsillitis in children, chronic sinusitis, lymphadenopathy, chronic otitis media ... These stubborn and recurrent annoying diseases, no matter what age, can be magically improved by simply eliminating milk and dairy products from the diet for as short as one month and as long as three months. Goiter is related to eating milk and dairy products. Dr. W. Walker is a world-famous endocrinologist in the United States. Based on his rich experience in practicing medicine for more than 60 years, he realized that the formation of goiter or other intractable diseases such as thyroid dysfunction is directly caused by eating milk and dairy products in addition to iodine metabolism and hormone factors. Eating milk and dairy products is a cause of osteoporosis. Many people think that advertisements often say: "Drinking more milk can prevent osteoporosis". That was not the case. Dr. John M. Dougall is one of the authoritative researchers on the relationship between diet and disease in the United States. He has made a large-scale investigation on calcium intake and osteoporosis in people in various regions of the world. His conclusion is that the more protein is ingested, the more calcium is lost in bones, and it is easy to suffer from osteoporosis. After extensive research by medical scientists and public health scientists all over the world, it is shown that the most common countries of osteoporosis are the United States, Britain, Sweden and Finland, and they are also the countries that consume the most dairy products. Relatively speaking, osteoporosis rarely occurs in countries with low consumption of dairy products, such as Asia and Africa. Before the industrial development in Asia and Africa, milk and dairy products were very rare foods. At that time, they all had strong bones and strong teeth. The health status of Bantu women in Africa is a good example. They have never seen milk in their daily diet. Their calcium source is vegetables, and their calcium absorption is less than half of that of women in western society. Bantu women have an average of ten children in their life, and each child is breastfed for ten months. Their calcium loss and relatively low calcium intake are almost unheard of in osteoporosis. In the United States, about1.5 ~ 200 million people suffer from osteoporosis, but the consumption of milk mouth in the United States is also the highest in the world. On average, each man, woman and child consumes about 300 pounds a year. Osteoporosis is directly related to the intake of protein: the more protein you take, the more calcium you lose, and the more fragile and loose your bones are. Eskimos give us a good example. Eskimos' diet contains the highest protein in the world-250-400g a day, which comes from fish, walrus, whales and so on. The intake of calcium is also the highest in the world-more than 2000 mg per day, taken from fish bones and meat. However, their incidence of osteoporosis is the highest in the world, and people who stoop at the age of 20 are everywhere. In contrast, Bantu people in Africa have only 47 grams of protein and 400 milligrams of calcium every day, and they have never heard of osteoporosis. The above facts show that the high concentration of protein contained in high-protein foods such as milk and dairy products is the chief culprit for the massive loss of calcium in bones. If vegetarians consume too much protein, it will also cause osteomalacia, but plant protein has a protective effect on bones compared with animal protein. In addition, lack of exercise, drinking soda cola, eating processed and refined food and too much acidic food are all pathogenic factors of osteoporosis. Humans should give up eating milk and dairy products as soon as possible. Eating milk and dairy products is harmful to our health. In addition to the reasons mentioned above, more research shows that we should discard dairy products such as milk, cheese and cream as soon as possible. Now list and explain the following four reasons: (1) The harm of pasteurization in milk processing. (2) Harm of toxic substances in residual additives. (3) Harm of eating homogeneous dairy products. (4) Harm of adding synthetic vitamin D (1) Harm of Pasteur's heating and disinfection method for processing milk Bacteriologist Pasteur founded the disinfection and disinfection method to turn raw milk or goat milk into mature milk. Although it is beneficial to preserve and reduce typhoid infection, the structural components of enzymes, protein and fat in heated milk or cheese have changed, forming unstable substances. Heating milk to 62℃ will destroy the active enzyme system in milk, such as cystine, tryptophan and lactase. Most other vitamins and minerals are destroyed. After heating, protein in milk will coagulate (coagulate) to form hard casein, among which lactic acid bacteria beneficial to intestines are also destroyed. So milk heated to 62℃ becomes very difficult to digest, which is harmful to human body. Pasteur disinfection provides inferior milk. Even calves, the only animals that used to rely on milk, will die before they grow into strong cows if they are fed only sterilized milk. Although fermented dairy products, such as cheese and yogurt, are usually easier to digest than milk, they are still far from the ideal diet for human beings because they are all acidic foods. If you really want to take it, you can use a small amount of raw dairy products without salt. (2) Harm of Residual Additives and Toxic Substances Modern animal husbandry is completely different from the past. In order to obtain higher economic benefits, it did not adopt free grazing in the wild, but centralized management in a limited area. In order to avoid infectious diseases caused by intensive animal husbandry, antibiotics and pesticides were added to the feed. In order to promote meat quality and increase milk yield, growth promoters and hormones were added. So those additives will also enter the milk and enter the human body with people's intake. Moreover, these additives are toxic to human body, which is harmful and useless. The way of raising cattle has changed, feed has replaced pasture, and the ecological environment and physiological phenomena of cattle will also change. When I visited a pasture, I found that the excrement from the steak in the cowshed was loose and shapeless, just like diarrhea, which was not what I saw and heard in the countryside when I was a child. Cow dung smells like grass and can be collected as a whole after drying. With the decrease of cellulose, cows are full and lack of activity, which makes the fat content in barrel milk increase, especially the proportion of saturated fat is high, while unsaturated fat is relatively reduced. In other words, destructive fat is far more than constructive fat, which leads to the increase of cardiovascular disease and reproductive system cancer among consumers. (3) Harm of Eating Homogeneous Dairy Products The so-called milk homogenization is a production method in which fat pellets in milk are broken and dispersed after being destroyed. Although this is a new production process in dairy industry, eating homogeneous milk does more harm than good to human beings. Dr Kmrt Oster discovered an enzyme (XO for short), which can be found in milk fat. When drinking heterogeneous milk normally, XO will only exist in the intestine and will not enter the blood circulation. However, if milk is homogenized, this homogenization process will reduce emulsified fat, lead to the release of a large number of XO, and then lead to the recovery of XO in blood. Therefore, the concentration of XO in the blood of people who eat homogeneous milk is very high; On the contrary, people who drink heterogeneous milk or don't drink milk have relatively low XO concentration. XO is the cause of blood vessel wall scarring. If the blood vessel wall loses its original smoothness, it will induce fatty substance precipitation, platelet coagulation or blood cell disintegration. Further cause scar and atherosclerosis, and finally form vascular sclerosis and lumen stenosis. Oster and Esselbacher of Harvard Medical School suggest that the intake of homogeneous milk is the main cause of heart disease in Americans. Other countries in the world, such as Finland, have homogeneous dairy products, so the incidence of heart disease is also extremely high. However, France rarely uses homogeneous milk to produce, and the incidence of heart disease is significantly lower than that of the United States and Finland. (4) Harm of adding synthetic vitamin D Vitamin D is a radioactive vitamin additive that has been added to most commercial dairy products and other foods for many years. Why do you want to supplement vitamin d? In the past, animal husbandry was dominated by wild grazing, and cattle and sheep grazed outdoors all the year round. Natural vitamin D and carotene can be synthesized naturally in the body by sunlight. Then use the squeezed fresh milk to make cream. Especially in sunny summer, paste is a natural bright yellow substance. This natural paste can't be stored and transported far away for a long time, so most of the vitamin D that can be transported has little content and light color. With the decrease of grazing time in the wild, the chances of eating weeds are reduced, the time of exposure to sunlight is shortened, and the synthesis of vitamin D is reduced. This kind of cream made from cow's milk has less vitamin D content and its color becomes pale, so dairy producers have to add pigment and radioactive D. Vitamin D in animals is an extremely complicated component. Their activation process needs sunlight to irradiate the skin, and the activation impulse changes from D 1 to D2, and then to D3, respectively, in the liver and kidney. Activity D3 carries out calcium and phosphorus metabolism, calcium absorption, bone calcification and other processes. Radioactive D2 is a synthetic vitamin, which is somewhat different from natural vitamins in structure. It is impossible to ingest complete and natural vitamin D in food, and the added synthetic vitamin D2, whether ingested from milk or other dairy products, is not the fundamental solution to calcium deficiency and D deficiency. A few years ago, in Britain, sudden neonatal death was caused by abnormal calcium metabolism. It was found that abnormal calcium metabolism was directly related to excessive addition of radioactive vitamin D2 (from 400 international units per pint to 1000 international units) in milk. Therefore, radioactive vitamin D2 additive has been banned in Britain. In recent years, the dairy industry has used synthetic vitamin D3 instead of radioactive D2 as an additive, but its impact on human health is still unknown. Finally, people who like to eat milk and dairy products should be advised: in order to stay away from chronic diseases and for your health, please wean as soon as possible. When we wrote this article, we knew that it would offend many dairy production and sales enterprises, medical workers, nutritionists and administrative and health departments. However, for the sake of human health, we still finished this article and published it on the blog.