In the way of life, it is required to have a low-salt low-fat low-sugar diet, exercise to lose weight, quit smoking and drinking, work and rest regularly, and avoid staying up late. You can eat foods rich in potassium, calcium and magnesium properly, exercise properly, eat less and eat more meals, avoid overeating, drink water properly and keep your stool unobstructed. You can know your blood pressure, blood lipid and blood sugar after physical examination.
If hypertension, diabetes and hyperlipidemia exist, they should be managed and treated separately, so that blood pressure, blood lipid and blood sugar can be maintained in an ideal range, which can make the heart healthier.
Hypertension is generally controlled by lifestyle and drugs. Low salt diet and high salt have a direct impact on blood pressure. Maintain emotional stability, avoid frequent emotional excitement, and don't be a grumpy person. To exercise, to exercise, to preserve health, we often see abdominal obesity patients complicated with three highs, namely hypertension, hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, and even hyperuricemia, so we should pay attention to exercise.
Drug treatment should go to a regular hospital to consult what antihypertensive drugs specialists need to take. Because there are many kinds of antihypertensive drugs, you may have to choose under the guidance of a doctor and try again and again to find the right antihypertensive drug.
Hyperlipidemia generally needs to be treated according to the situation. If the patient has cardiovascular and cerebrovascular complications, statins can be given to reduce low-density lipoprotein.
Due to the influence of low density lipoprotein on vascular plaque, it is generally necessary to review the levels of blood lipid, transaminase and creatine kinase after taking statins for one month to prevent the side effects of lipid-lowering drugs. If there are no side effects after taking lipid-lowering drugs, they can be used for a long time. If the patient mainly has elevated triglycerides, β -type lipid-lowering drugs can be used to reduce triglycerides. If the triglyceride level is too high, it will lead to pancreatitis. If statins can't reduce low density lipoprotein to normal level, ezetimibe can be used in combination.