The 28 12 bullet train has 9 stops from Zhuhai Station to Chongqing West Railway Station, leaving at 06:45 and arriving at 14:45. The whole journey takes about 8 hours and 00 minutes.
The timetable of train D28 12 is as follows:
Zhuhai, the departure time is 06:45.
Zhongshan, the entrance time is 07:08, the exit time is 07: 10, and the stay time is 2 minutes.
Guangzhou South, the entrance time is 07:38, the exit time is 07:46, and the stay time is 8 minutes.
Guilin West, arrival time 10:0 1, departure time 10:05, and stay time of 4 minutes.
Guiyang East, entrance time 12: 12, exit time 12: 16, and stay time of 4 minutes.
Zunyi, arrival time 13:05, departure time 13:07, and stay time of 2 minutes.
Catch the water east, stop time 13:54, departure time 13:56, and stay time of 2 minutes.
Luohuangnan, arrival time 14:22, departure time 14:30, and stay time of 8 minutes.
Chongqing West, arrival time 14:45, departure time 14:45.