It's all strength training Why do weightlifters look better than bodybuilders?

Strength training is a familiar thing for fitness muscle men. Strength training can enhance your muscle strength, and at the same time, it can play a role in building muscle. For some professional bodybuilders, daily strength training is essential, and strength training is not only exclusive to bodybuilders, but also to other athletes who need muscle strength, such as weightlifters.

As mentioned earlier, strength training is of great help to increase muscle strength, and weightlifting requires muscle strength, so many weightlifters will do strength training, but all of them are strength training. Why do many weightlifters look worse than bodybuilders, or in other words, why do muscle bodybuilders not take part in weightlifting competitions to win places?

Three components of muscle:

The muscles in our body are mainly divided into three components, namely myofibrils, sarcoplasms and capillaries. The composition of the three muscles is different, which leads to different muscle expression.

First of all, capillaries

After every aerobic training, the capillaries will increase significantly. Its growth significance is to improve the blood supply and oxygen supply to your muscles, but the proportion of capillaries in muscles is very small, so even if it grows, it has little effect on muscle volume growth.

Second, muscle mass.

Muscle pulp will increase a lot after each high-intensity glycolytic energy training. The significance of sarcoplasmic growth mainly lies in the ability to maintain high-intensity exercise of muscles. The main substances contained in sarcoplasm are glycogen, myoglobin and a lot of calcium ions. These substances exist to maintain the ability of muscle contraction, but they cannot directly produce strength, that is to say, the production of sarcoplasm actually does not help muscle strength.

Third, myofibrils.

The production of myofibrils will mainly increase under the training of extreme strength. The function of myofibrils is to increase the strength produced by muscles during contraction. Among the three main components of muscle, only the growth of myofibrils can play a role in muscle growth.

To sum up, for bodybuilders, the purpose of their training is to increase muscle volume, that is, to mainly train myofibrils and sarcoplasms, so their training is actually mainly of moderate training intensity, which will maximize the production of myofibrils and sarcoplasms, that is to say, although bodybuilders' muscles look large and developed, their muscle strength is actually limited, and the growth of muscle volume mainly comes from the proliferation of sarcoplasms, while the growth degree of myofibrils is actually.