Bird's nest is a delicious food.
Nutrition [yí ng y∥ ng] The sum total of food intake and utilization processes of animals or plants. In animals, it usually includes feeding, digestion, absorption and assimilation; Organisms absorb nutrients from the outside to maintain life.
Bird's nest is rich in nutrition.
Healthy [jiàn kāng] people have normal physiological functions and no diseases or defects; Everything's fine.
Bird's nest is a healthy food.
Nourish [Z and B incarnations] to supply the nutrients needed by the body; Tonifying: Pilose antler is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine that is beneficial to the body.
Bird's nest is very nourishing to human body.
Expensive price is very high.
Really good bird's nest is very expensive.
Be famous [ch ū mí ng]; Stand up; Do something in the name of an individual or group.
Bird's nest is a famous thing.
Poor quality.
There are some inferior bird's nest in the market.
Fake [ji m ao] confuses the real with the fake; Fake another brand.
There are some bird's nests mixed with fake chemicals on the market.
Food, something edible.
Bird's nest is a precious food.
Medicine or food that nourishes the body.
Bird's nest is a good tonic.