First, avoid foreign body damage. Because the newborn's eye nerve development is not perfect, so in the process of infant care, parents must be extra careful and careful, and try not to let foreign objects hurt the baby's eyes. For example, windy and dusty weather may scratch your baby's eyes, so parents should try not to take their baby out. Usually, it is necessary to ensure that the surrounding environment is clean and tidy, and reduce the irritation of foreign objects to the baby's eyes.
Second, keep your eyes clean. During the baby's growth and development, there will be some secretions in the eyes. During this period, it must be cleaned in time, and the action must be gentle during the cleaning process. Choose a clean and soft towel and wipe it gently with water. Do not clean hard, so as not to damage the baby's eyes.
Third, don't wear sunglasses. The baby's eyes need normal light stimulation during development. Therefore, parents must not wear sunglasses for their babies, so as not to affect the visual development of newborns. Coupled with the uneven quality of sunglasses sold in the market, if there are quality problems in the purchased sunglasses, it may also cause eye diseases.
Fourth, avoid strong light stimulation. Although sunbathing can promote the physical development of newborns, it may damage the baby's visual system after being stimulated by strong light. Therefore, when taking your baby in the sun, you must choose a place with soft light.
Fifth, avoid watching TV. A large number of X-rays will be produced in the process of TV broadcast, which will adversely affect the baby's eye nerve development and may even affect the baby's intellectual development.
I believe everyone has a correct understanding and understanding of the care of newborn eyes. In order to maintain the newborn's vision health, it is necessary to properly care for the baby's eyes, not only to keep them clean, but also to reduce the stimulation of the external environment. And try not to let newborns watch TV, so as not to affect normal vision development.