The market value of JD Health after its issuance is about HK$ 220.7 billion. During the issuance of JD Health, Ali gained a lot in health, and its market value reached HK$ 309.4 billion yesterday. From the data of revenue and net profit, JD Health performed even better. Since 20 13 Ali took a shell company in Hong Kong stocks and injected assets in the medical field and renamed it Ali Health, the share price has risen several times, and investors have reason to have confidence in JD Health.
Compared with the market value, the two companies are still relatively small in revenue and net profit. Among them, Ali Health is still in a state of long-term loss, and investors are interested in long-term returns.
It is necessary to sell drugs online. During this year's epidemic, online diagnosis and drug sales connected patients with hospitals, allowing patients to receive timely treatment and reducing interpersonal contact. The business with drug distribution capacity in JD Health has experienced explosive growth, with revenue increasing by 76% in the first half of the year.
A large part of diseases are common diseases and chronic diseases. Patients know the cause and condition, and then consult a doctor when the condition changes. Usually you only need to take medicine, and you don't need to go to the hospital to occupy medical resources. In the future, with the promotion of 5G and the improvement of online diagnosis and treatment, some projects that can only be diagnosed offline may also be moved online.
Good Doctor, Chunyu and other platforms cut into the online market through doctors to provide medical information, while Ali Health and JD Health cut into the market through channels, taking advantage of e-commerce channels and logistics, and then cooperating with hospitals and doctors to provide diversified services. Investors are optimistic about the opportunities brought by these platforms to cut into medical services.
At present, a number of companies with a market value of 100 billion have been born in the domestic pharmaceutical field. These pharmaceutical companies are mainly engaged in drug research and development and manufacturing, and the market will give high valuation to new drug research and development enterprises. There are many pharmaceutical companies in the world with a market value of $ 1000 billion. People pursue better, healthier and longer life, so medicine is a long-term track. There are not many star enterprises in medical channels, mainly because medical sales are quite professional, and medical enterprises generally have huge sales teams to compete for the market through various marketing means. At present, the government implements large-scale centralized procurement of medical devices and medicines. In order not to be squeezed out of the market, industry players are forced to cut prices, and sales are expected to turn to online channels.
After the ban on online sales of prescription drugs is released, online channels will accommodate more drugs, which provides an opportunity for pharmaceutical companies to increase sales channels. On the other hand, the transparency of online pricing will squeeze the gray area to the greatest extent, and it is also expected to save money for consumers and reduce medical costs.
From the consumer side, because of the particularity of drugs, people have higher requirements for quality than other commodities, so they are more willing to believe in big platforms, and dependence on big platforms will lead to stronger scale effects. This is also the main reason why investors pursue JD Health.