Please ask Yuncheng where you can do artificial insemination

There are seven organizations in Shanxi Province that are approved to carry out assisted human reproduction, and you can always check the Ministry of Health website;

Your fertility to conceive still exists! The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on some of the most popular products and services in the world, and you'll be able to do that with the help of your own personalized products and services!

If you are in a hurry to get pregnant, we recommend that you come to Yuncheng, Shanxi Province to use the assisted reproduction technology that we have created, improved and practiced for many years; this is a kind of preferred and improved technology, which simplifies and optimizes the technical process of IVF and does not take the eggs, but treats the semen well in advance, and the sperm is preferred and energized, so that a certain density of energized sperm is transplanted and transported to a specific part of the fallopian tube before and after ovulation of a woman of childbearing age. At a specific moment before or after ovulation, a certain density of spermatozoa is transferred to a specific part of the fallopian tube, similar to the "gamete intrafallopian transfer" in IVF technology. The procedure is simplified and optimized, and the environment for conception is closer to natural physiology and more in line with natural laws, so the rate of gestational sac implantation is greatly improved. The total cost of medical treatment for conception in each menstrual cycle is 5,000 dollars. There are successful pregnancies in the same month; mostly in March and April. The probability of success is much higher than that of artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization. In today's world of rapid advances in medical technology, the success rate of artificial insemination is documented in the official literature to be only 17% ? The average success rate of IVF, or artificial insemination (please note the difference between the words "insemination" and "fertilization"), is only 37%. Please search for "gamete tubal transfer" in Baidu. This is less expensive, faster, and can solve your pregnancy and fertility problems as soon as possible; no matter how many sperms are present and how vigorous they are, as long as there are sperms, there is a solution; spermatocytes or na?ve spermatocytes or even immature spermatocytes are partially viable. Note the fundamental difference between our assisted reproduction techniques and IUI and IVF, as discussed in the blog; there is no need to wait in line to come to us. Because no matter what the situation, in principle, those who ovulate are given priority, ovulation timing does not wait for anyone ah, so the success rate of pregnancy is high ...... Although in small and medium-sized cities, but we have more than thirty years of clinical practice, the improvement and mastery of conception technology is still very confident and certain ...... Our technology is unique and there is no comparable category in the domestic medical community. It's not that they don't know how to do it, it's because of all the tangible and intangible constraints, they don't dare to improve the technology easily ......

Of course, if the condition is complicated, you can also choose to "sign an agreement to cure infertility", all kinds of medical expenses are covered, and sign an agreement to cure! The company's website is a great place to find out more about the latest in the industry, and it's a great place to find out more about the latest in the industry, and it's a great place to find out more about the industry, and it's a great place to find out more about the industry, and it's a great place to find out more about the industry.

Wish you a good pregnancy!

You go to the big city hospital to see a doctor, no matter whether there is no problem, where the doctor let you do a variety of tests, Qiqi over, industrialized a mode of batch operation, hate to use all the medical equipment in the hospital once, so that you pay a little more money ...... those doctors do not have to think about the brain should not do this! The check! Hey! Maybe there is no time to think ... Please analyze your life experience to think, because decades of reform trends forced, the general status of the domestic hospitals is: large hospitals charge by inspection, small hospitals earn money by selling drugs! Every time you go to the doctor, you will be given several large woven bags of Chinese herbs to carry home to eat! The first thing you need to do is to get a good deal of money to pay for the services you need! You can avoid all kinds of restrictions, can sign an agreement to treat men and women infertility, dare to set up a word of contract; based on technical strength based on the community, really solve the actual problem of patients, do things to strive for excellence, and try to do to cure a case of a case of good, do not do the amount of. Otherwise, it is a waste of time. Bragging can not solve the actual problem, but also a waste of energy, financial resources, material resources and time, who do?

Please see your Baidu private message for more details

Good luck with your pregnancy!