What is fieldwork

Fieldwork (field research) is to go to a designated place to do research .

To understand the truth of a thing, the momentum of the development process, and to go to the field for intuitive, localized and detailed investigation. In the process of investigation, to analyze the phenomenon of their own observations at any time, and strive to grasp the characteristics of the object of investigation.

The fields of its application include folklore, archaeology, biology, ecology, environmental science, geography, geology, topography, geophysics, paleontology, anthropology, linguistics, philosophy, architecture, and sociology and other natural or social science fields. In contrast to other studies of the environment in quasi-controlled laboratory settings, field research is conducted primarily in the field.

The substance of fieldwork varies depending on whether the subjects are alive or dead, and whether they are inhabited or buried.

Excavation of both fossil and archaeological sites involves fieldwork, as do other processes such as interviewing or observing people to learn their language, their folklore, and their social structure. In some cases, especially when the subject of the research is human beings themselves, the formulation of the work must be redesigned to avoid the observer effect or the risk of over-theorizing and over-idealizing the actual cultural activity.


Field research has a long history. Cultural anthropologists have long used field research to study other cultures. While cultures are not necessarily different, this has often been the case in the past when studying so-called primitive cultures, and even in sociology, where cultural differences are class differences. This work was done at ...... in "'Fields,' i.e., qualified fields of study that are the subject of social research."

The field could be education, the industrial environment, or the Amazon rainforest. Field studies may be conducted by zoologists such as Jane Goodall.Radcliff-Brown and Malinowski were early cultural anthropologists who set the model for future work.

Commercial use of field studies is a form of anthropological application, and in the case of surveys, sociologists or statisticians may also make recommendations.

Consumer marketing field research is the main marketing technique used by companies to study their target markets.