One day, when I got up in the morning and washed myself, I found that there was one more wrinkle on my face and some gray hairs grew out of my black hair. I was a little bit surprised, although we all know that we will be aging, but when I suddenly found out that I was aging, I wasn't prepared for it, and I was a little bit lost. ......
Aging consists of two levels of aging, one is physical aging; the other is aging in mind. levels of aging, one is physical aging; the other is aging of the mind.
Physical aging
In 2018, a paper published in the journal Cell listed nine major mechanisms of aging known to scientists today: errors in DNA, errors in gene expression, shorter telomeres, loss of stability and precision of proteins, normal cells becoming necrotic cells, malfunctioning mitochondria, metabolic mitochondrial malfunction, metabolic dysfunction, cessation of repair and renewal of organs and tissues, and impaired communication mechanisms between cells.
Mindful aging
Mindful aging refers to the anxiety and instability of the mind, which is reflected in a person from the inside out, through the physical form, through the eyes, we can see it. At the same time, the aging of the mind will also accelerate the aging of the face. In ancient times, there was Wu Zixu overnight white head, today there is Liu Qiangdong overnight white head.
Nowadays, with the improvement of the material living standard in China, people are no longer just satisfied with the basic needs of food, clothing and warmth, in order to see a wider world, in order to spend more time with the people around them, in order to those unfinished regrets, in order to get rid of the fear of death, and so on, and so, to slow down the aging of the majority of the people has become the immediate need.
1. The effect of laziness
Against aging, need to continue to exercise, and exercise is the most need for continuity and patience, daily exercise and exercise every month is not the same effect.
Lazy not only brings physical discomfort, but also shapes unsuccessful self-awareness. When faced with any opportunity, a lazy person will tell himself, "There's no need to be that way," and it's okay to take a break, which is a long time to rest.
2. Wrong way to exercise
Exercise can slow down the aging has become a **** knowledge, but only a reasonable way to exercise and exercise intensity to ease the aging. Often times, what we think is a reasonable exercise style and intensity is actually inappropriate, and in extreme cases, the longer the workout, the more damage is done. There is a loss of hardware in the body, which inevitably leads to a reduction in life expectancy.
Therefore, according to their own physical conditions, you can choose their own way of exercise and exercise intensity.
3. Bad habits
To extend life is actually very simple, reduce enjoyment, taste pain. Only a comprehensive change in lifestyle habits can bring about a truly stable life extension.
When we are always accustomed to enjoyment, passively in a situation of ease and comfort, it is meaningless to life. When our time is always low-level repetition, always a quick fix of some kind of pleasure. The long term goodness of life will not come.
4. Science and technology are not omnipotent, the wrong propaganda of the businessmen with ulterior motives leads to the abuse of medicines by the people
Prolonging the life can not rely on feudal superstition, but requires scientific concepts. In the absence of respect for science, it is possible to cause irreparable damage. The biggest misconception is what to eat to make up for the shape. The extension of life can not be realized by eating Wang Bao and tortoise.
Some propaganda reports also mislead the masses by claiming that some medicines can make people live longer, but there may not be a real effect, and what is even more frightening is the negative effect, after all, science and technology are not omnipotent.
One, diet and medication Harvard professor David Sinclair, known as the "godfather of anti-aging," once said: "We have a chance to live to 120 years. years old. Dr. David Sinclair is an Australian biologist and professor in the Department of Genetics at Harvard Medical School. He focuses on how genetics can extend human lifespan and cure diseases of old age. His lab was the first to identify a role for NAD+ biosynthesis in lifespan regulation. In 2014, Sinclair was named one of Time magazine's "100 Most Influential People in the World". His book, Can't You Grow Older, hit the New York Times and Amazon bestseller lists upon its release in 2019. Here are some tips for you in light of his research on anti-aging: 1. Eat fewer meals/fasting Last month, the top journal Science published a new review: meals were seven minutes full, and restricting the eating time to 12 hours resulted in a direct life extension of 35% in mice! The recommendation is to eat two meals a day, around 10am and 5pm, and to practice 7:1 light fasting (a minimum of 7 hours between meals during the day, and no more than 1 hour between meals). 2. "Luxury" Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers were first used by the Navy to prevent decompression sickness, and later studies found that Hyperbaric Oxygen not only prevented the disease, but also improved the symptoms of patients with Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. This option is a great way to prevent the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. This option is less friendly to the average person who wants to fight the disease. Currently, a civilian hyperbaric chamber device costs as little as a hundred thousand dollars and as much as a few million. 3. Peptide supplementation The concept of peptide has been hot in recent years. So what is it? It is made up of amino acids, just like proteins, and these specific amino acids can enhance many functions in the body. Currently, many older people are supplementing peptides for anti-aging purposes, and the price is not expensive as you can consult a doctor at your local regular hospital. 4. Senolytics (Senescent Cell Removal) Senolytics is generally used to describe any medication or therapy that eliminates senescent cells from the body. As the perennial winning substance in this field, "Dasatinib + Quercetin", the "newcomer" Lacin (a natural ingredient contained in strawberries, persimmons, and onions) has had its share of successes, while also activating longevity proteins, which play a role in prolonging life. 5. Metformin + Rapamycin Metformin is no stranger to everyone, it is a glucose-lowering drug that is often taken by diabetic patients, and studies have found that the drug has a life-extending effect, reducing oxidative stress and inflammation. Rapamycin, which is a prescription drug, was not taken by Sinclair in a 2019 interview for safety reasons. Such concerns are not unreasonable; after all, the side effects of rapamycin are no small matter. Interestingly, however, when asked in a Twitter interaction with a user, "Why don't you take rapamycin once a week?" to which he replied, "Who said I wasn't taking it?" 6. NAD+ supplements NAD+ is a key coenzyme found in every cell in the body that helps convert nutrients into energy, and high levels of NAD+ protect our epigenome and DNA. as with aging, NAD+ levels decline with age. Both NMN and NR are precursors to NAD+, respectively, and can be converted to NAD+. There is no shortage of brands of both supplements on the market, and tycoons like Li Ka-shing and Pan Shiyi have publicly stood up for the products. Second, the survival environment It is reported that the average life expectancy of Japanese people in 2020 will be 87.71 years for women and 81.56 years for men. At present, the Japanese are the world's longest average life expectancy, they are aging more slowly, but they do not have a large number of sports and exercise, obesity is prevalent, the reason for this, thanks to their survival environment. On the contrary, in some parts of our country, due to serious pollution, the emergence of cancer villages. To slow down the aging, a good living environment is an indicator that must be emphasized. Third, exercise 1. sauna + cold water bath These two are good for the body and mind of the activity, the sauna is a number of studies have proved that can reduce the mortality rate of cardiovascular disease and the incidence of Alzheimer's disease. Cold showers, on the other hand, can reduce obesity and prevent aging-related diseases such as cancer. Daily sauna steam 5 minutes + cold water bath soak 20 seconds, repeat 3 times. 2. Find the right workout for you, and maintain a regular moderate and reasonable workout intensity. Everyone's physique is not the same, can not be step by step, some people are suitable for not hurt the knees of the fast walking way, the time to one hour appropriate; some people are suitable for yoga, last year, my friend participated in the yoga private class, insisted on practicing more than 3 months, not only the whole person's body to get shaped, the quality of sleep a lot of good, and the skin has become white and red, the color is good a lot of special! The first thing you need to do is to do some soothing stretching exercises, and it feels like you've opened up all the tendons and muscles, and it's especially comfortable. Mindset One, improve the efficiency of life Many friends read Helen Keller's "If you give me three days of light", will always feel ashamed of their own lives, a disabled person can have the courage to improve their own efficiency of life than the same disabled other people living in the world. The other people who are also disabled live many times more wonderful. Look at your life as a machine, like the execution of the engineering progress table of the duration of the map, try to improve in the same time period to do more things, and at the same time try to do things better, for example, you do an hour to do a thing, and someone an hour can do two, or even three, and every thing is doing a very good job, take the comparison between the bully and the scum look at the scum may be only one hour to Take the comparison between a schoolboy and a schoolmarm, the schoolmarm may only be able to finish one assignment in an hour, while the schoolmarm may be able to finish three assignments in an hour, and at the same time do very well in each of them. From this point of view, a very efficient person has 20 years of time is equivalent to a very inefficient person 60 years of time, that is to say, to the limit of the time of the inefficient person to live as a base, for example, a lifetime, the time of the efficient person to live is the time of the efficient person to live three times the time of the time of the low efficiency of the person to live, that is, three lifetimes, so, in other words, to improve the efficiency of the life not only to slow down the aging, simply to extend the life. aging, it is simply prolonging life. Second, maintain a good state of mind Cicero in the "On Old Age" has a passage: "The best protective armor of old age is a life that has been carefully spent before it, a life that has been used in the pursuit of useful knowledge, honorable merit, and noble demeanor. " Look down on everything, be persistent but not compulsive, and be reconciled to yourself. By spending each day conscientiously, we have the best protective armor for our later years. For example, regular trips with family or friends, reading books or listening to songs alone, regular gatherings and chats with friends, going to record the small beauty of life every day, occasionally creating small surprises for the family or watching a movie together, making food and so on. The years will eventually carve wrinkles on our faces, and all we can do is not let the wrinkles carve in our hearts ...... Disclaimer: This article involves medical-related knowledge is for reference only, and can not be regarded as a professional opinion, such as the need to obtain medical related help or For medical help or advice, please consult a professional. This article was co-authored by the One in Six community, and created by caseworker Wang Jin, with assistance from the following hats. White Hat: Zhao Dan Red Hat: He Zheng, Zhai Hongying Black Hat: Zhang Wenchun Yellow Hat: Guo Shuai Green Hat: Zhou Xiaohui, Xie Rong
The article was written in collaboration with the One in Six community.