How to get entrepreneurial opportunities

How to get entrepreneurial opportunities

Grasp entrepreneurial opportunities in a few elements:

Focus on the problem of grasping the opportunity: opportunity does not mean that no cost can be obtained, and many successful enterprises are from the problem to start. The problem is the difference between reality and the ideal

Gap. For example, customer demand is a problem until it is met, and by trying to meet this demand, you have seized a market opportunity. The United States "cowboy king" Levi's story for many years for people to enjoy. 1850s

generation, Levi's like many young people, with a dream of getting rich to the western United States gold rush, on the way to a big river blocked the way, Levi's managed to rent a boat, did a ferry business, the results earned a lot of money. In the mine, Reeves found

found that due to mining sweat, drinking water tension, so others mining he sold water, and earned a lot of money. Reeves also found that, because of the kneeling mining, many gold miners pants knee part easy to wear, and the mine there are many people

thrown away canvas tents, he collected these old tents and washed, made into pants for sale, "jeans" was born. Levi's took the problem as an opportunity and eventually realized his dream of wealth.

The use of change to grasp the opportunity: change often contains unlimited business opportunities, many entrepreneurial opportunities arising from the changing market environment. Changes in the environment will bring about the adjustment of industrial structure, consumer structure

upgrading, changes in the concept of thinking, *** policy changes, the increase in the level of income of the population, and so on; people through these changes, they will find new opportunities. In the process of privatization of state-owned enterprises, entrepreneurs can explore entrepreneurial opportunities in transportation,

telecommunications, energy and other industries. The increasing ownership of private cars will generate many entrepreneurial opportunities in automobile sales, repairs, accessories, cleaning, decoration, second-hand car trading and escort driving.

Any change can create new business opportunities, which entrepreneurs need to discover and create with their own keen sense of smell. Many great business opportunities don't just appear out of nowhere, but reward the "first mover". Smart entrepreneurs often choose to enter the market at the right time, and are ready to take orders when the demand explodes.

Tracking technological innovation to grasp the opportunity: the history of world industrial development tells us that almost every new industry formation and development, are the result of technological innovation. Changes in the industry or product replacement

not only meets the needs of customers, but also brings unprecedented entrepreneurial opportunities. For example, after the birth of the computer, software development, computer repair, graphic production, information services and online stores and other entrepreneurial opportunities followed.

The market for any

product has its own life cycle, the product will continue to saturation to reach maturity until the decline, and ultimately be replaced by new products, entrepreneurs if they can track the pace of industrial development and product substitution, through technological innovation is

able to continue to seek new opportunities for development.

Grasp the opportunity in the cracks of the market: entrepreneurial opportunities exist in the products or services to create value for customers, and customer demand is different. Entrepreneurs should be good at finding out the special needs of customers,

focusing on the individual needs of customers and carefully study the characteristics of their needs, so that it is possible to find and seize business opportunities. Nowadays, entrepreneurs are keen to develop the so-called high-tech field and other hot topics, but entrepreneurial opportunities do not only belong to the "high-tech

field", in the financial, health care, food and distribution of these so-called "low-tech field" also have opportunities. With the popularity of lighters, matches slowly out of people's sight, but the entrepreneur Shen Zikai gradually forgotten

old object in the new business opportunities, he created the "innocent era" art matches red across the river.

Make up for rivals defects to seize the opportunity: many entrepreneurial opportunities are due to the mistakes of competitors and "accidentally" obtained, if you can seize the loopholes in the competitor's strategy in a timely manner to make a big fuss, or

can be faster than competitors, more reliable and cheaper to mention *** products or services, may have found an opportunity. service, may have found an opportunity. For this reason, entrepreneurs should track, analyze and evaluate competitors' products and services, identify the flaws in existing products,

targeting methods to improve production, formulate ideas, and develop new products or new features with potential, you can surprise and succeed in business.

Capture policy changes to grasp the opportunity: the Chinese market is greatly influenced by policy, the introduction of new policies often lead to new business opportunities, if entrepreneurs are good at research and use of policy, you can seize the opportunity to stand in the tide

head. 2006 the country introduced a new automotive industry policy, encouraging individuals, collectives and foreign investment in the construction of parking lots. The increasing number of parking lots, the parking lot construction of intelligent access control attendance system, parking system

system, channel management system and so on the demand also increased, specializing in the supply of parking lot required hardware and software devices has become an important business opportunities. In fact, the search for business opportunities from the policy is not only expressed in the policy provisions of the table

surface, with the continuous refinement of the social division of labor and specialization, the policy changes provided by the business opportunities can be extended, entrepreneurs can be from the industrial chain in the upstream and downstream of the extension of the search for business opportunities.

How to identify entrepreneurial opportunities The identification of entrepreneurial opportunities

Sometimes the opportunity is not given to you by others but you create your own, for example, you go to open a restaurant or pastry store, so the opportunity you can give yourself completely ha, as long as you learn the relevant technology, there is no saying that others give you the opportunity ah, because you can create the opportunity to create their own Oh

How to tap into the entrepreneurial opportunities

Entrepreneurial business opportunities of the basic business opportunities

The business opportunities that cause all the business opportunities. It is important for long-term investors. Such as social system, infrastructure, business rules, etc. China will rearrange a series of business opportunities within five years after joining wto.

Entrepreneurial business opportunities of the shortage of business opportunities

Shortage of economic profit-making is the first motive, the air is not a shortage of air, can be in the plateau or in the airtight space, the air will also be a business opportunity. All useful and shortage of things can be business opportunities, such as high technology, true feelings, real goods, knowledge and so on.

The time business opportunity of entrepreneurship business opportunity

Distant water can not quench the thirst. When the demand is manifested as a shortage of time, time is a business opportunity. Airplanes are faster than trains, hormones don't cure diseases but can slow down life, they all have business opportunities.

The price and cost of entrepreneurial business opportunities

The water flows low, the "goods" to sell at a high price. In the demand for satisfaction, can be satisfied at a lower cost, the emergence of low-priced alternatives is also a business opportunity, such as national products or domestic software.

Business opportunities of convenience business opportunities

The world is easy to change, lazy hard to move. Spend money to buy a convenient, so the "supermarket" and "small store" coexist. Cell phones are more expensive than telephones, and they can be used in real time, so cell phones are a good business opportunity.

Business opportunity of the general demand business opportunity

Week after week, never finish. People's survival needs such as food, clothing, note line continues every day, where there are people, there are such business opportunities.

The value of entrepreneurial business opportunities to discover business opportunities

Born with something must be useful. Once the commonplace things appear new uses will be a great increase in value, Panlangen can prevent "SARS", vinegar can be sterilized, up! Earnings!

Intermediate business opportunities

Mantis chasing the cicada, sparrow in the back. People are always in a hurry, focusing on the most terminal, by any means necessary. For example, when digging for gold, will not take into account the price of selling "water", the result is that the gold is not dug, fat "selling" water.

Entrepreneurial business opportunities of the strategic business opportunities

The future of a period of time will inevitably appear major business opportunities. 20 years ago, the Chinese people are facing this business opportunity, today there is a "layoff" and "rich" the difference between the sky and the rich, is the latter initiative "layoff", the use of the The first thing I'd like to say is that I don't want to be a part of it.

Entrepreneurial business opportunities of the correlation of business opportunities

An honor is an honor, a loss is a loss, by the demand for complementary, inherited, selective decision. You can see the situation of inter-regional, inter-industry, inter-commodity correlation business opportunities.

Entrepreneurial business opportunities of systemic business opportunities

Vertical business opportunities that originate in an independent value chain. Such as the telecom boom, IT demand, IT manufacturers to win, many supporting business increase, value-added service providers, the emergence of mass consumption of telecommunications.

Entrepreneurial business opportunities of cultural and customary business opportunities

Some business opportunities determined by lifestyle. For example: a variety of festive items, life and "pilgrimage" props.

The return of entrepreneurial business opportunities

People's pursuit, away from the past to follow the fashion after a period of time, the past has become a "shortage" of things, the return of the psychological inevitable. As for how long to return, look at the understanding of the business.

Entrepreneurial business opportunities of major events business opportunities

Business opportunities caused by major events. Such as the Olympic Games, SARS and so on.

2. Follow the new trend, such as: alternative pet store or plant pet store. 3. chance coincidence. 4. through systematic research, to find the entrepreneurial projects. We have to start with these aspects when we are digging for business projects.

First, analyze the special events to discover the entrepreneurial projects.

For example, a blast furnace steel plant in the United States because of a lack of funds, had to purchase a miniature steel furnace, and then unexpectedly appeared the latter's profitability is higher than the former's unexpected results. After further analysis, it was found that the structure of the U.S. steel market has changed, so the steel mill will focus on future investment in mini steelmaking technology that can quickly respond to market demand.

Second, the new knowledge is generated to explore entrepreneurial opportunities.

For example, traditional pets have not been able to meet people's lives, there are alternative pets and plant pets this kind of emerging concepts, not only to amuse people's loneliness. And highlights the personality of the pet owner.

Third, analyze the contradictory phenomena to discover entrepreneurial opportunities.

For example, China currently has a 15 billion pet market, of which alternative pets accounted for one-third, while alternative pet stores and less than one-tenth. Analyzing this paradoxical phenomenon can easily find business opportunities in the alternative pet market.

Fourth, through the generation of new knowledge, to explore entrepreneurial opportunities.

For example, when the human genome is completely solved, it is expected to bring a lot of new business opportunities in the fields of biotechnology and medical services.

Once we've identified a good opportunity, we need to set our sights on it. Whether it's a business or a dream, entrepreneurship is not a simple game, it must be a full commitment, which affects the success or failure of the factors are extremely complex, entrepreneurs need to have a considerable amount of courage and independence of spirit, in order to compete for its success. It has been said that, "If you have a dream, you can build it", so be the master of your own life and never give up.

How to Evaluate Entrepreneurial Opportunities

From the author's personal experience as an entrepreneur, he knows that some good business opportunities are fleeting. This means that they will not last long. For this reason, it is very important to familiarize yourself with the duration of the investment as it may close before you have raised the required capital. The third thing to consider when evaluating a business opportunity is the motivation and capability of the entrepreneur or promoter. Competence is an important criterion that you have to be careful with especially when you are investing in a business opportunity that someone else has discovered. The entrepreneur must be highly motivated, entrepreneurial and experienced. The average person with average talent and mediocre ambitions may outperform the brightest genius if he or she has a clear goal.

Making money from an idea or opportunity is something every business likes to do, but the author's point is that it should not be the primary motivation. Business and investing are team sports. The fourth factor to focus on when analyzing a business investment opportunity is the business management team. If you are the originator of the idea or business opportunity, then you can choose whether or not to set up a business management team. However, if you are simply investing in someone else's idea, then you need to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the business management team.

We need leaders who add value to others, who will lead the organization and work for the benefit of others, not just start a business for their own personal gain. Leaders inspire and motivate others, not intimidate and manipulate them. Leaders live with people*** with the purpose of solving their problems, and they follow a moral compass that points in the right direction, regardless of trends. To secure any business or investment opportunity, you must think and analyze business investments like a venture capitalist. Venture capital firms prefer strong teams with average products to weak teams with great products. This is the main reason why the greatest business ideas are not funded.

Another issue you must analyze in relation to a business opportunity is capital, human resources and technology requirements. These three principles are very important, especially when you are conducting a risk assessment. They form the basis of business and investment risk analysis. If a business opportunity with high potential profits needs to be pursued, then it just isn't worth pursuing. The final factor to consider in the business or investment opportunity analysis process is the economic environment in which the business opportunity exists. When evaluating the economic environment, you must also take into account the country's fiscal or monetary policies, political situation, and *** policies, among others.

You are a product of your environment. Therefore, choose the best environment that will help you achieve your goals. Analyze your life in terms of environment. Will the things around you help you to succeed? Or, will they create obstacles for you? This is important because some business and investment opportunities are favored by some economic environmentalists, but there are also some that are ignored by them. For example, some businesses thrive in a socialist system, while others are adept at brilliantly taking off in a capitalist environment.

How to find entrepreneurial opportunities

You have to create them yourself; it's a monkey's game to do it

How do you find entrepreneurial opportunities?

His advice can be summarized as follows: document those ideas in a spreadsheet and talk to a lot of smart people (entrepreneurs, potential customers, venture capitalists, people in big business). That's good advice, and in 2008 PAUL GRAHAM also wrote an article on "Startup Ideas He'd Invest In". Here's how to find ideas: Walk around your house or apartment and look for hot spots. A hotspot can be filled with lots of information, piles of clutter, aggravation, clutter, or any other under-performing environment. Then think about the web or cloud computing solutions that are available for these things. Let's look at some examples: Music CDs - > iTunes, Amazon MP3 store, doubleTwist, MP3tunes, etc. Bookshelves - > Amazon, Kindle, iBooks Stereo systems - > Sonos, Squeezebox, Rhapsody, Pandora,, Spotify, Grooveshark, MOG, Rdio, hard disk units - > Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), Pogoplug Okay, so this seems pretty simple and obvious, right? Let's dig a little deeper, what would you do with the stack of business cards? Stacks of Business Cards - > CloudContacts Think of more: Bank Statements > Mint Photo Albums - > ScanCafe Bathroom Scales - > Withings Treadmill - > Fitbit Phones - > Google Voice, Twilio. Ribbit, Rebtel cameras-> EyeFi lots of video games-> Steam, OnLive DVD player> Roku, Netflix Instant movies Treadmill or elliptical machine-> Nike+ shoe sensor, LoseIt! CardioTrainer app for Android, Fitbit pen-> Livescribe All of these things are hotspots in your home and introduce the internet and "cloud" factor to make your life easier, more efficient, or better. So what do you do when you look at these things? Like a bunch of manuals or invoices, an alarm clock, Japanese learning CDs, piles of take-out orders, a huge stack of cookbooks, a hard drive full of MP3s but not organized, a hard drive with no backups, an outdated programming book, a box full of VHS tapes, tons of out-of-date magazines, a blank wall with no posters or other decorations, stuff sitting in your garage that you're going to sell or give away? Stuff? Your wallet? Actually, ideas are lurking all around you. If you're experiencing a minor difficulty, resentment or hotspot in your life, it's highly likely that many other people are too. But you can simplify your process (can you convert something physical into electronic information that can be stored in the "cloud"?) You can sell a niche version of a product (e.g. T-shirt Threadless), you can get people to make something they've never made before (T-shirt CafePress, book LuLu), you can bring people together who have ****ty interests (e.g. Craftzine blogs, or forums for book lovers or fitness enthusiasts), you can focus on product reviews in a specific field (e.g. Craftzine), you can get people to share their interests (e.g. Craftzine), you can get people to share their interests (e.g. Craftzine). You can focus on product reviews in a specific area, you can teach other people to do something. You can become a known expert in a particular field, and then dedicate your time and expertise as a consultant. You could start with a useful or interesting free product, and then sell more features, or offer more consulting services about it. You can make meta versions of a lot of these things, for example, ETSY supermarkets are places for those who like to buy and sell traditional crafts. I'm going to end with a story. I have a friend who works at Google, and he's very good at observing things that irritate him. From the time he gets out of his car to the time he walks to his desk, he can easily spot six things that piss him off because those things should be improved. I'm not suggesting here that you make yourself more prone to anger, but rather that every time you pass something that should be improved, if you notice it, it's an opportunity. I think an easy way to find business ideas is to take a good look at the environment you live in and how you spend your time. Spot the hot spots in your own life and you might find some great products or services. "Matt Cutts is one of the most widely known of all the engineers at Google, as he shares everything related to Google, both technical and non-technical, with his readers on his blog almost every day.

What's the point of having a computer that's not a computer?

Now China, in the eyes of the Western powers, can be said to be everywhere is gold, everywhere is opportunity. This phenomenon is even greater after the financial tsunami. In this era of turbulence we are living in, it is the real road to Rome, whether you want to compare vertically, or horizontally.

However, I have always believed that the greatest entrepreneurial opportunities are still in IT and the Internet.

Of all the countries in the world, China is the one that emphasizes the IT and Internet industry the most. Both *** and ordinary Chinese people have invested the most enthusiasm and hope in the information revolution represented by IT and the Internet.

Because of the Industrial Revolution, the barbaric countries that we hadn't seen before developed their economies, armed themselves, and became immensely powerful overnight.

Fortunately, we established a new China in time, reformed and opened up in time, and caught up in time. Every Chinese person wants to change the blood of shame into the blood of pride as soon as possible. But catching up, and how easy it is.

It was at this time that the Internet fell from the sky

. So, we were ecstatic and immediately grabbed the straw called the information revolution, ready to move from the agricultural era into the information era, to achieve leapfrog development, and to regain the blood of pride. If we develop step by step, develop the industrial revolution, then go to develop the post-industrial era, and then go to the information revolution, we monkey years and months to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation ah.

Of course, we can't completely skip the industrial revolution, our purpose is: one foot on the road to industrialization, one foot across the threshold of informatization.

So the information revolution based on IT and the Internet is our national strategy and national will, the trust to realize national renaissance.

After so many years of development, this national strategy and national will has embodied a lot of significance:

First, the economic significance. There are two main points of economic significance: first, IT has become a leading industry, of which the Internet is the core; second, the entire national economy is built on the basis of informatization.

Plus the cultural significance. Cultural significance is also the main two points: First, now in the reform and opening up of the key period, but also the social contradictions of the highlighted period, the Internet has become an essential catharsis of the people. For example, the stock market fell from 6100 points to 1600 points, in this very 6+1 period, the Internet has become a place for the victimized stockholders to vent their frustration, and did not go to suicide, to make trouble.

Second, the contribution in the field of cultural creation. Cultural creation is mainly divided into three periods: the first period is the primitive society, the creators are grassroots, people want to sing, want to dance; the second period is with the text, the right to create the elite class, the Sheng Tang three hundred years, the poet is only two thousand three hundred people. Before the advent of the Internet, there were only 9,000 magazines (half of which were academic magazines for degree and title evaluation), 2,000 newspapers, 500 TV stations, and 500 publishing houses in China. I remember when I published a few articles in the local newspaper - Global Branding Network - in my freshman year of high school, everyone said, "Hey, this guy is a writer. With the interwebs, creative power reverted to the grassroots, and that was the third period. It's not an exaggeration to say that the number of Chinese netizens writing in the past ten years has exceeded the total number of writers in all the previous periods. I would like to take this opportunity to make a bold prediction that there will be Internet-based cultural masters in China.

The Internet was born in the United States

. For China, which was moving from an agrarian society to an industrialized one, it was an uncompromisingly premature baby. Yet the Chinese took it as a national strategy and national will, and the Chinese people embraced it with passion.

The core idea is that since the Chinese people are embracing the Internet with the greatest passion in the world, and since the Chinese people are treating the information revolution as a trust for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, our entrepreneurs should be integrated into this trend. Throughout history, all successful people are not because of how smart they are, how hard they work, the most important thing is that they step on the right point.

Once again, I wish all those who are starting their own businesses and those who are always ready to join the entrepreneurial army all the best for their own success. In the meantime, enjoy the scenery along the way.

I suggest you work part-time. I'm not going to start a business that requires a lot of capital investment and has a certain risk of losing money. After all, inexperienced and less likely to think long term you can find a business you want to start working in the side and secretly observe. How they work. How to distribute the encounter what kind of customers how to deal with ~ the future are good!