1. Neutralization and precipitation tower, generally referred to as the neutralization reaction precipitator, the first section of the neutralization reaction, the latter section of the precipitation of alkali metal hydrocyanide separation. For example, copper-containing wastewater, neutralization with alkali, precipitation separation of copper hydroxide.
2. Oxidation and precipitation tower, generally refers to the oxygen or add oxidizing agent, the pollutants in the water will be oxidized into a low solubility product, and then precipitation and separation of equipment, the same way, oxidation and precipitation should be separated. For example, sulfur-containing wastewater can be oxidized with air to produce a single precipitate of sulfur.
3. Quartz filtration tower (I do not know if it is limestone filtration tower). Quartz filtration, generally refers to the quartz sand filter, intercepting suspended solids in the water. Limestone filtration tower, generally dealing with wastewater containing high concentrations of acid. Dolomite can also be used in place of limestone.
Anything else you don't understand?