Method 1: General Advice
1. Go out for a walk, get some fresh air, release mental stress and spend less time staring at screens. Go to a quiet spacious place and let the thoughts cruise a bit. Get as close to nature as you can. Quiet country lanes and isolated beaches are good choices. If you're stuck in the city, then find a park or suburb.
Pick up the pace and start jogging. Studies have shown that aerobic exercise relieves pain. Regular exercise can reduce the frequency of headaches.
2. Use ice packs. Apply an ice pack to your forehead, temples or the back of your neck. The icing effect relaxes the muscles and relieves the headache.
3. Take a relaxing bath. Mental stress and tension often cause headaches. If you allow yourself to relax, headache symptoms will be reduced. A few drops of essential oil in the bath water will work better.
4, do your own head massage. Use your thumb and index finger to gently apply pressure to the area of your headache. Whether it's the temples, forehead, back of the skull or the base of the neck. Massage in a steady, rotating motion and apply the proper amount of pressure. Massage for 10 to 15 seconds, or even longer if necessary. Reduce the amount of time you spend on the computer. If you need to work on the computer, take a few minutes of breaks in the middle of your work: stand up, walk around, go outside and get some fresh air. Have a partner, family member, or friend massage your head, shoulders, or neck, or have a professional massage therapist do it for you.
5, sleep a little. If you force yourself to sleep for a while, your headache may subside. Temporarily forget about other tedious things at work, close the curtains, turn off electronic devices, lie down on the bed and close your eyes.
6. Eat. You can also get a headache when you're hungry. So take some proper food to relieve your headache. Develop regular and regular eating habits to avoid headaches. Don't delay meals or skip meals.
Chew and eat slowly.
Method 2: Prevent headaches
1. Turn off your computer. Staring at the computer for long periods of time can lead to headaches. Staring at a bright screen puts pressure on your eyes, which in turn leads to headaches. A flashing screen is more likely to fatigue the retina as well as the nerves in the eyes, which in turn causes headaches. Try to control the amount of time you spend on the computer. If you need to use the computer for work, then take frequent breaks for a while. Stand up and walk around a few times.
Take a 10-minute break within every hour to prevent headaches.
Take a few days a week to relax as much as you can without using electronic devices. Don't schedule work or business negotiations. Use this time to relax and reduce stress, as stress is often the cause of headaches.
2. Take a magnesium supplement. Because magnesium may can reduce the frequency of headaches and migraines. This is because magnesium soothes the nerves, which become overstimulated during headache and migraine attacks. You'll probably need more than the amount of magnesium in your multivitamin tablets or about 400 to 600 milligrams of supplemental magnesium per day. Look for magnesium chelated with amino acids (many brands contain magnesium oxide, which is not absorbed).
Get your magnesium by eating dark-colored vegetables, nuts and seeds.
3. Stay away from substances that cause headaches. Reduce your intake of the following elements: nitrates and nitrites . They are found in processed meats and in monosodium glutamate (MSG). Nitrates are also found in drugs used to treat heart disease.
Phenylethylamine, found in some chocolates and cheeses.
Tyramine, found in nuts and fermented meats, cheeses and beans.
Aspartame, artificial sweetener.
Caffeine and alcohol can also cause headaches.
4. Wear sunglasses. Prolonged exposure to the sun can disrupt the brain's optic nerve bed, which sends pain signals to the body. To avoid strong rays and reduce headaches, try to wear sunglasses that protect your eyes from UVA and UVB damage.
5. Let your hair down. Many ladies get tension headaches from tight hairstyles that pull on the scalp. Loosening your bun or ponytail, or letting your hair down can reduce the risk of headaches.
Method 3: Specific natural remedies
1. Drink plenty of water. Dehydration of the body can also lead to headaches. That's because dehydration slows the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain. When you feel a dull headache, drink a large glass of water immediately. If your headache is caused by dehydration, drinking water can relieve your headache symptoms in a matter of minutes. To prevent your body from becoming dehydrated, you should generally drink a full eight glasses of water a day. But 20 percent of that may be taken into your body through juicy foods.
Rehydration is especially necessary after drinking alcohol, which can cause dehydration and hangover headaches.
2. Use lavender essential oil. Lavender products have a relaxing and calming effect, and it can also be used to treat headaches. Mix a few drops of lavender essential oil into a bowl of hot water. Lower your head with your face to the water, cover your head with a towel, and then take a deep breath to inhale the lavender water vapor into your body. You can also apply lavender oil externally by applying a few drops of undiluted oil to the temple area and then massaging for 1 to 2 minutes, breathing y.
Remember not to take lavender oil internally.
3. Use rosemary. Massage your head with a little bit of rosemary essential oil, which also has anti-inflammatory properties that can understandably relieve pain. Or you can make an herbal tea with rosemary and sage and drink it to treat headaches as well. Mix one teaspoon of crushed rosemary leaves and one teaspoon of crushed sage leaves into a cup of boiling water. Cover and wait for the boiling water to come down to room temperature.
Drink it two or three times a day.
4. Use cloves. Cloves can be used in a variety of ways. Here are some suggestions for use: Crush a few cloves and put them in a small bag or clean handkerchief. Then inhale the scent of cloves to relieve headaches.
Mix clove oil with sea salt and massage into the forehead and temples. Clove oil has a cooling effect, while sea salt can be said to intensify the massage.
5. Use basil essential oil. Basil is a strongly scented herb that can be effective in treating headaches. Basil has a muscle relaxing effect as it is particularly effective for headaches caused by muscle tension. Make a tea with basil and drink it twice a day. Add fresh, clean basil leaves to boiling water and drink it when the water is at the right temperature. Sip the tea slowly and your headache should slowly subside.
If you have a slight headache, you can chew a few fresh basil leaves or massage your head with pure basil essential oil.
6. Use ginger. Ginger is often used to treat headaches because it reduces inflammation of blood vessels. Blend some freshly grated ginger into a cup of tea made from loose tea leaves, steep it for a few minutes and drink it. You can intervene with some milk or sugar as per preference. Ginger tea relieves inflammation and headaches about as fast as aspirin. Or you can make tea with freshly grated ginger and inhale the vapor to get rid of headaches.
Chewing ginger candies can also relieve headaches.
7. Use cinnamon. Cinnamon can relieve the headache that accompanies the common cold. Add freshly ground cinnamon to a little water to make a paste, then use it to apply to your forehead and let it stay on your head for 10 to 15 minutes. The headache should subside. Alternatively you can mix 2 teaspoons of ground cinnamon into a cup of hot milk to make a soothing headache drink. You can add a little honey to flavor it according to preference.
8. Use peppermint. Peppermint is well known for its calming properties, and it is also very effective in treating headaches. Massage your forehead, temples and chin with peppermint oil. Alternatively, mashing fresh mint leaves and applying them on the forehead, leaving them on for 10 to 15 minutes and taking deep breaths is also very effective. Fresh mint leaves can be used to make mint tea to drink. Steep fresh mint leaves in boiling water to drink.
Or use peppermint oil vapor therapy. Mix a few drops of peppermint oil into boiling water and inhale the steam.
9. Eat apples. Apples balance the body's acid-alkaline balance as they relieve headaches. Eat an apple with the skin on when you have a headache. Or you can pair 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar into a glass of water and drink it for headache relief.
Method 4: Other therapies
1. Acupuncture. Acupuncture therapy involves the use of fine needles stuck into the body on a certain pressure point. It is said to regulate the flow of energy. Studies have confirmed that acupuncture does prevent severe migraines. Acupuncture also has fewer side effects compared to medication. Acupuncture has also been proven to relieve severe headaches.
2. Botox injections. It is often used to eliminate and prevent wrinkles, but it actually has very medical properties, one of which is the treatment of chronic migraine headaches in adults. This method is approved by the FDA to treat migraines. It costs about 2000 RMB for one injection.
3. Try transcranial magnetic stimulation. This non-aggressive treatment relieves headaches by utilizing a magnetic pulse across an electromagnetic coil. This method is still in the research stage and is an experimental treatment.
TipStay away from loud environments
Stay away from electronic devices
WarningRead the instructions for your medication carefully.
If your headache persists or is getting worse, seek medical attention.
Sources and Citations↑ /health/gallery/0,,20538298_6,00.html
↑ /migraines-headaches/guide/treating-headaches-yourself
↑ /prevent/ how-prevent-headaches
↑ /prevent/how-prevent-headaches
↑ /health/2012/04/11/5-natural-headache-remedies/
↑ /health/ gallery/0,,20538298_11,00.html
↑ /prevent/how-prevent-headaches
↑ /prevent/how-prevent-headaches
↑ /videos/all- natural-headache-cures
↑ /health/gallery/0,,20538298_3,00.html
↑ /health/gallery/0,,20538298_12,00.html
↑ /health/gallery/0,,20538298_12,00.html
↑ /health/gallery/0,,20538298_12,00.html
↑ /health/ gallery/0,,20538298_13,00.html
↑ /health/gallery/0,,20538298_13,00.html