What is the great significance of waste recycling and classification for human environment?

Trash classification is a scientific management method for the effective disposal of trash. In the face of increasing garbage production and deteriorating environmental conditions, how to maximize the use of garbage resources, reduce the amount of garbage disposal, and improve the quality of the living environment through garbage classification and management is one of the urgent issues that all countries in the world*** are concerned about at present.

The classification of garbage is to classify garbage at the source, and make it become resources again through the classification of transportation and recycling.

The significance of garbage classification is as follows:

The garbage is sent to factories instead of landfills after being classified, which saves land and avoids pollution from landfills or incineration, and also turns waste into treasure.

Therefore separate collection of garbage can reduce the amount of garbage disposal and treatment equipment, lower the cost of treatment, reduce the consumption of land resources, with social, economic and ecological benefits.