Jiangxi Nanchang, a medical device company plant fire, resulting in 5 dead and 1 injured, how will this matter be held accountable?

I think the medical device company must take full responsibility. The fire has killed five people, and the company will have to pay a lot of money to the families of the deceased. But the exact cause of the fire is still under investigation. But I think this company must have a lot of fire safety hazards, or else the fire could not have happened for no reason. So I also hope that this company can learn a lesson from the future, if you find that there are fire safety hazards in the company, then it should be rectified in a timely manner. Otherwise, there is still a possibility of fire in the future.

How to prevent fire in factories?

1, because inside the factory there will be a lot of machinery and equipment, but also high-power machinery and equipment, so usually should be to avoid overloading electricity, otherwise it is very easy to lead to mechanical equipment fire, which caused the fire. And in these mechanical equipment next to the absolute can not pile up too much flammable material. Because these mechanical equipment in the process of operation is likely to have sparks floating out, and sparks can easily ignite these flammable materials, so we not only can not pile up flammable materials next to the equipment, but also in the equipment next to the placement of a few fire extinguishers. So that even if the equipment fire, we can also use the fire extinguisher to extinguish the fire.

2, we must arrange for staff to inspect the factory every day, if you find that there are fire safety hazards inside the factory, then we must rectify the situation in a timely manner, otherwise there is always the possibility of fire. Now the reason why many factories will fire, is because they do not care about these fire safety hazards, so it leads to the factory fire.

3, do not place too many flammable and explosive materials inside the plant, if these flammable and explosive materials encountered sparks, then certainly will instantly explode, so in order to avoid this situation, we have to place these flammable and explosive materials in a safe place, and can not be placed next to the mechanical equipment. Never allow employees to smoke inside the factory, because some employees like to throw cigarette butts after smoking, and many of these butts are not yet extinguished, so it is easy to cause fire.