Brazil's position in international trade
, low share of international trade. Expanding international trade, especially exports, can greatly increase a country's revenues and enhance its strength by making other countries dependent on it as a buyer or supplier of important goods and services. In the last two years, Brazil's foreign trade has experienced rapid growth, with a record volume of exports and imports, but its share of total world trade is still small. In 2004, for example, although Brazilian foreign exports rose to $96.5 billion, up 32% from 2003, this did not change its ranking in world exports: 25th place, and its share of world exports in 2004 was 1.1%, only a tenth of the value of exports from the world's top exporter, Germany. In terms of imports, Brazil ranked 29th in the world import ranking in 2004, with 0.7% of the world's total imports. Despite the fact that Brazil is a world leader in certain products and technologies, the low share of foreign trade in international trade makes Brazil far from having the world influence as a major export-import country.