Medical testing is the use of modern physical and chemical methods, means of medical diagnosis of a discipline, the main study of how to provide the basis for clinical diagnosis and treatment through laboratory technology, medical instruments and equipment. Through systematic study, we will understand how to identify the human blood type, to determine whether a person is anemic, liver function is normal and so on. The discipline requires the use of a variety of photoelectric instruments and chemical reagents to complete the experimental analysis, so it favors the science subjects and requires a good foundation in biology and chemistry.
Simply put, when we usually conduct blood tests, this is the medical testing professional to do. There is a department in the hospital called "Laboratory".
Medical laboratory technology employment direction
There is a direction of what to do, what can be done. Mainly to the hospital laboratory, the second is into the clinical inspection center or quarantine station, but more difficult, into the medical equipment company is also a good choice.