λ - spectral half-width
VF - forward voltage drop difference
Vz - voltage increment in the regulated range
av - voltage-temperature coefficient
a - temperature coefficient
BV cer - a resistor in series with the base and the emitter, CE junction breakdown Voltage
BVcbo---open emitter, collector-base breakdown voltage
BVceo---open base, CE junction breakdown voltage
BVces---base-emitter shorted CE junction breakdown voltage
BVebo---open collector EB junction breakdown voltage
Cib- -*** base input capacitance
Cic - collector junction barrier capacitance
Cieo - *** emitter open circuit input capacitance
Cies - *** emitter short circuit input capacitance
Cie - *** emitter input capacitance
Cjo/Cjn - junction capacitance change
Cjo---zero bias junction capacitanceCjv---biased junction capacitance
Cj---junction (interpole) capacitance, indicating the total capacitance of the germanium detector diode at a specified bias applied to both ends of the diode
CL---load capacitance (an external circuit parameter)
Cn--neutralizing capacitance (an external circuit parameter)
Cob---***Base output capacitance. In the base circuit, the output capacitance between collector and base
Coeo---***emitter open-circuit output capacitance
Coe---***emitter output capacitance
Co---zero bias capacitance
Co---output capacitance
Cp---parallel capacitance (external circuit parameter)
Cre---*** emitter feedback capacitance
Cs---case capacitance or package capacitance
CTC---capacitance temperature coefficient
CTV---voltage temperature coefficient. The ratio of the relative change in stabilized voltage to the absolute change in ambient temperature at the test current
Ct---Total capacitance
Cvn---Nominal capacitance
di/dt---Critical rate of rise of on-state current
dv/dt---Critical rate of rise of on-state voltage
D---Duty cycle
ESB---secondary breakdown energy
fmax---maximum oscillation frequency. The operating frequency when the power gain of the triode is equal to 1
fT---characteristic frequency
h RE--*** emitter static voltage feedback coefficient
hFE--*** emitter static current amplification coefficient
hfe--*** small-signal short-circuit voltage amplification coefficient of the emitter
hIE---***Emitter static input impedance
hie---***Emitter small-signal short-circuit input impedance
hOE---***Emitter static output conductance
hoe---***Emitter small-signal open-circuit output conductance
hre---***Emitter small-signal open-circuit Voltage feedback coefficient
IAGC----forward automatic control current
IB2---base modulation current in a single-junction transistor
IBM---the maximum value of the DC current that can continuously pass through the base within the range of the collector's allowable power dissipation, or the maximum average value of the AC current
IB---the maximum value of the base DC current or the average value of AC current
Icbo---reverse cutoff current between collector and base with base grounded and emitter open to ground, at a specified reverse voltage of VCB
Iceo---reverse cutoff current between collector and emitter with emitter grounded and base open to ground, at a specified reverse voltage of VCE
Icer - reverse cutoff current between collector and emitter with series resistance R between base and emitter, and voltage VCE between collector and emitter is a specified value
Ices - reverse cutoff current between collector and emitter with emitter grounded and base shorted to ground, under the condition of specified reverse voltage VCE
Icex. Reverse cutoff current between collector and emitter under specified reverse bias VCE with emitter grounded and specified bias applied between base and emitter
ICMP---Incollector Maximum Allowable Pulse Current
ICM---Incollector Maximum Allowable Current or Maximum Mean Value of AC Current.
ICM---Maximum output average current
Ic---Maximum average value of collector DC current or AC current
IDR---Thyristor off-state average repetitive current
ID---Interdark current
IEB10--Reverse current between the emitter and the first base in a dual-base unijunction transistor
IEB20 --- emitter to base current in a dual-base unijunction transistor
IEB --- base ground, collector open to ground, under the condition of the specified reverse voltage VEB, the reverse cut-off current between the emitter and the base
IEM --- emitter peak current
IE --- emitter dc current or the average of the ac current
IF (AV) - average forward current
IF (ov) - forward overload current
IFM (IM) - peak forward current (forward maximum current). The maximum forward pulse current allowed through a diode at rated power. Light emitting diode limit current.
IFMP - Forward Pulse Current
IFRM - Forward Repeating Peak Current
IFSM - Forward Non-Repeating Peak Current (Inrush Current)
IF - Forward DC Current (Forward Test Current). Germanium detector diode in the specified forward voltage VF, through the current between the poles; silicon rectifier, silicon stack in the specified conditions of use, in the sinusoidal half-wave allowed to pass the maximum continuous operating current (average), silicon switching diode in the rated power allowed to pass the maximum forward DC current; measurement of regulator diode forward electrical parameters when the current is given
iF----forward total instantaneous current
IGD---Thyristor control pole non-triggering current
IGFM---Control pole forward peak current
IGT---Thyristor control pole triggering current
IH---Constant current, maintenance current.
Ii--- Light emitting diode glow current
IL--- Photocurrent or current regulator diode limit current
IOM--- Maximum forward (rectifier) current. The maximum forward instantaneous current that can be withstood under specified conditions; the maximum operating current permitted to pass continuously through a germanium detector diode in a sinusoidal half-wave rectifier circuit with resistive loads
Iop---Operating current
Io---Rectifier current. The operating current passed under specified frequency and specified voltage conditions in a particular line
IP---peak point current
IR (AV)---reverse average current
IR (In)---reverse DC current (reverse leakage current). In the measurement of reverse characteristics, the given reverse current; silicon stack in a sinusoidal half-wave resistive load circuit, plus reverse voltage specified value, the current passed; silicon switching diode ends plus reverse operating voltage VR when the current passed; regulator diode in the reverse voltage, resulting in leakage current; rectifier in the sinusoidal half-wave under the highest reverse operating voltage leakage current.
IRM---reverse peak current
Irp---reverse recovery current
IRRM---reverse repeated peak current
IRR---thyristor reverse repeated average current
IRSM---reverse unrepeated peak current (reverse inrush current)
ir-- Reverse Recovery Current
iR---Total Reverse Instantaneous Current
ISB---Secondary Breakdown Current
Is---Stabilizing Current of Current Regulator Diode
IV---Valley Current
Izk---Knee Current of Regulator Tube
IZM---Maximum Regulator Current. The current allowed to pass through the regulator diode at maximum power dissipation
IZSM --- regulator diode inrush current
Iz --- stabilizing voltage current (reverse test current). The reverse current given when testing the reverse electrical parameters
n----capacitance change index; capacitance ratio
PB---to withstand the pulse burnout power
PCM---collector maximum allowable power dissipation
Pc---collector power dissipation
PC---control pole average power or collector power dissipation
Pd - power dissipation
PFT (AV) - average power dissipated in forward conduction
PFTM - peak forward power dissipation
PFT - total instantaneous power dissipated in forward conduction
PGM - peak gate power
PG - average gate power
Pi - input power
Pi - input power
PK - maximum switching power
PMP - maximum leakage pulse power
PMS - maximum withstand pulse power
PM - power rating. The maximum power that a silicon diode can withstand if its junction temperature is not higher than 150 degrees
Pn---Noise power
Pomax---Maximum output power
Posc---Oscillating power
Po---Output power
Po---Output power
PR---Reverse surge power
Psc---continuous output power
PSM---unrepeated surge power
Ptot---total dissipated power
Ptot---total dissipated power
PZM---maximum dissipated power. The maximum power that a voltage regulator diode is allowed to withstand under given conditions of use
Q----the superior value (quality factor)
r δ----the attenuation resistance
R(th)ja ---- junction to ambient thermal resistance
R(th)jc----the junction to case thermal resistance
r(th)----the transient resistance
< p>rbb min Cc---base-collector time constant, the product of base extension resistance and collector junction capacitancerbb min---base region extension resistance (base region intrinsic resistance)
RBB---base-to-base resistance of a dual-base transistor
RBE---external base-to-emitter resistance (external circuit parameter)
RB --- external base-to-emitter resistance (external circuit parameter)
Rc --- external collector resistance (external circuit parameter)
RE --- radio-frequency resistance
RE --- external emitter resistance (external circuit parameter)
RF (r) --- forward differential resistance. In forward conduction, the current increases exponentially with voltage, showing a clear nonlinear characteristic. At a certain forward voltage, the voltage increases by a tiny amount ?V, and the forward current increases by ?I accordingly, then ?V/?I is called differential resistance
RG---signal source internal resistance
rie---input resistance when the emitter is grounded and the AC output is shorted
RL---load resistance
RL---load resistance (external circuit parameter)
roe---Output resistance at short-circuit of AC input with emitter grounded, measured under specified VCE, Ic or IE, and frequency conditions
Rs(rs)---- series resistance
Rth---Thermal resistance
Rth---- thermal resistance
Rz(ru)---Dynamic resistance
Ta---Ambient Temperature
Ta---Ambient Temperature
Tc---Shell Temperature
Tc---Shell Temperature
td---Delay Time
td---- delay time
tfr---Positive Recovery Time
tf---Falling Time
tf - fall time
tgt - gate control pole turn-on time
tg - circuit commutation turn-off time
Tjm - maximum allowable junction temperature
Tjm - maximum junction temperature
Tj - junction temperature
Tj - junction temperature
toff - turn-off time
toff -- turn-off time
ton -- turn-on time
ton -- turn-on time
trr -- reverse recovery time
tr -- rise time
tr -- rise time
tstg -- storage temperature of temperature-compensated diode
Tstg- -- storage temperature
ts -- storage time
ts -- storage time
Ts -- junction temperature
V n -- noise voltage
V v -- valley voltage
V (BR) -- breakdown voltage
VAGC -- forward automatic gain control voltage
VB2B1 --- Inter-base voltage
VBB --- Base (DC) supply voltage (external circuit parameter)
VBE(sat)---base-emitter saturation voltage drop (forward voltage drop) with emitter grounded and specified Ic, IB conditions
VBE10 --- Emitter and first base reverse voltage
VBE---base-emitter (dc) voltage
VB---reverse peak breakdown voltage
VCBO---maximum withstand voltage between collector and base under specified conditions when base is grounded and emitter is open to ground
VCB---collector-base (dc) voltage
Vcc---collector (dc) supply voltage (external circuit parameter)
VCE(sat)---emitter ground, saturation voltage drop between collector-emitter under specified Ic, IB conditions
VCEO---emitter ground, base open to ground, maximum withstand voltage between collector and emitter under specified conditions
VCER---emitter ground, base and emitter with series resistance R, maximum withstand voltage between collector and emitter under specified conditions
VCES---emitter grounded, base shorted to ground, maximum withstand voltage between collector and emitter under specified conditions
VCEX---emitter grounded, base-emitter with specified bias, maximum withstand voltage between collector and emitter under specified conditions
VCEX---emitter grounded, base and emitter with specified bias, maximum withstand voltage between collector and emitter under specified conditions
VCER---EMITTER grounded, base and emitter with specified bias, maximum withstand voltage between collector and emitter under specified conditions
VCE---Collector-Emitter (DC) Voltage
Vc---Rectified Input Voltage
VDRM---Breakage Repeat Peak Voltage
VEBO---Base Ground, Collector Open to Ground, Maximum Withstanding Voltage Between Emitter and Base Under Specified Conditions
VEB---Saturation voltage drop
VEE---emitter (DC) supply voltage (external circuit parameter)
VF(AV)---averaged forward voltage
VFM---maximum forward voltage drop (peak forward voltage)
VF--- forward voltage drop (positive DC voltage)
VGD---gate non-trigger voltage
VGFM --- gate forward peak voltage
VGRM --- gate reverse peak voltage
VGT --- gate trigger voltage
Vk --- knee-point voltage (current stabilizer diode)
VL --- limiting voltage
Vn(p-p) --- peak equivalent noise voltage at input
Vn --- center voltage
VOM --- maximum output average voltage
Vop --- operating voltage
Vo --- ac input voltage
Vp --- feedthrough voltage.
Vp---Peak Point Voltage
VRM---Reverse Peak Voltage (Maximum Test Voltage)
VRRM---Reverse Repeat Peak Voltage (Reverse Surge Voltage)
VRWM---Reverse Operating Peak Voltage
VR---Reverse Operating Voltage (Reverse DC Voltage)
VSB---secondary breakdown voltage
Vs---through voltage (signal voltage) or stabilized current voltage of the regulator
Vth---valve voltage (threshold voltage)
Vz---stabilized voltage
δvz---voltage drift of the regulator
η---voltage dividing ratio or efficiency of the single junction transistor
λp---peak wavelength of luminescence