Nurses are called angels. The word nurse comes from Zhong Mao Fang in 1914 in the first Chinese Nurses Conference proposed the English Nurse translated into "nurse", the General Assembly adopted. Nurses must take off their civilian clothes and wear a nurse's uniform when they work. Nurses, in accordance with the relevant laws and standards of the Commission on Health and Nursing industry norms to carry out the appropriate nursing program, observe the patient's body weight, understand the patient's condition, cooperate with the doctor's treatment, and timely handling of medical disputes, to prevent the occurrence of medical accidents. And from the physiological psychological, socio-cultural and spiritual aspects, responsible for the patient's life and living, daily activities, medication and safety issues.
Engaged in the whole clinical operation or single special nursing activities related to medical care, such as mechanical sputum removal, puncture infusion, admission education, discharge guidance, the implementation of medical advice, bedding and quilt change, safety tips, take drugs, drug dispensing and set up drugs, the condition of the shorthand notes, information into the file, the collection of specimens, the responsibility for the handover, observation of the condition of the medical waste, the disfiguring and disinfecting medical waste, the management of medical waste classification, collection of recommendations, learning and training, delivery of labels and inspection, guiding the patient, night time, and the delivery of the label. Delivering test, guiding patients, night check, equipment inspection, equipment cleaning, housekeeping, 5s implementation, discharge accounting, organizing medical records, dissemination of medical advice, nursing demonstration, rescue and first aid, on-time inspection, abnormality report, distribution of goods, computer registration, repair and maintenance, measurement of body temperature, skills assessment, classification of patients, decontamination, patient review and other necessary daily nursing activities. Nurses registered by the practice of obtaining a certificate of practice, in accordance with the provisions of these regulations to engage in nursing activities, to perform the protection of human life, alleviate the pain of patients, health promotion duties of health technicians.