How to measure blood oxygen saturation on Xiaomi watch color1

Xiaomi Watch Color 1 supports blood oxygen measurement. To measure oxygen saturation, follow these steps:

Make sure your watch is connected to your phone and the latest version of Mi Fit App is installed and logged in.

On the main screen of your watch, swipe up and find the Health app and tap on it.

Swipe down the screen to find the "Blood Oxygen" option and tap to enter the measurement screen.

Place your wrist flat on a table or other horizontal surface. Make sure the watch fits snugly against your skin and is not disturbed by outside light.

Press the Start Measurement button and hold your hand steady. Wait a few seconds until the measurement is complete.

The oxygen saturation data will be displayed on the screen.

Please note that the following precautions should be taken when taking an oximetry measurement:

Wearing the watch should be appropriate and close to the skin

Movements such as hand clenching, shaking, moving, etc., which can affect the results of the test should be avoided during the measurement process

There should not be too much light in the room when taking the measurement

Oxyimetry measurements are provided as a reference only, and if you have any health problems or concerns, please consult a physician for advice. If you have any health problems or concerns, please consult your doctor for advice.