In what ways are infrared light, laser light, and rays fundamentally different? Which can be used for medical purposes? Which can be used for civilian purposes? Which can be used for military?

In the spectrum of wavelengths from 760nm to 400μm of electromagnetic waves called infrared, infrared is invisible light. All substances above absolute zero (-273.15 ℃) can produce infrared. Modern physics calls them heat rays. Medical infrared can be divided into two categories: near infrared and far infrared.

1 Basic Concept

Solar Spectrum

Infrared is one of the many invisible rays of the sun's rays, discovered by the British scientist Herschel in 1800, also known as infrared thermal radiation, he will be broken down with a prism of the sun's rays, in a variety of different colors of color band position placed on the thermometer, trying to measure the heating effect of the various colors of light. It was found that the thermometer located on the outside of the red light warmed up the fastest. Therefore, it was concluded that in the solar spectrum, there must be invisible rays of light on the outside of red light, which are infrared rays. It can also be used as a transmission medium. The wavelength of infrared light on the solar spectrum is greater than that of visible light, with a wavelength of 0.75 to 1,000 μm. Infrared light can be divided into three parts, namely, near-infrared, with a wavelength of (0.75-1) - (2.5-3) μm; mid-infrared, with a wavelength of (2.5-3) - (25-40) μm; far-infrared, with a wavelength of (25-40) - l000 μm between.

Infrared is an electromagnetic wave between microwaves and visible light, with a wavelength of 760 nanometers to 1 millimeter, a non-visible light with a longer wavelength than red light. Covering the band of thermal radiation emitted by objects at room temperature. The ability to pass through clouds is stronger than visible light. Has a wide range of uses in communications, detection, medical, and military applications. Commonly known as infrared light.

The real infrared night vision is photomultiplier tube imaging, and the principle of the telescope is completely different, can not be used during the day, expensive and need a power supply to work.

Near infrared or short-wave infrared, wavelength 0.76 ~ 1.5 microns, penetrate into the human body tissue is deeper, about 5 to 10 millimeters; far-infrared or long-wave infrared, wavelength of 1.5 ~ 400 microns, mostly absorbed by the surface skin, the depth of penetration of the tissue is less than 2 millimeters.

Infrared Atmospheric Window

Near Infrared | (Near Infra-red, NIR)| 700~ 2,000nm | 0.7~2 MICRON

Middle Infra-red | (Middle Infra-red, MIR)| 3,000~ 5,000nm | 3~5 MICRON

Far Infrared | (Middle Infra-red, MIR)| 3,000~ 5,000nm | 3~5 MICRON

< p>Far Infra-red | (Far Infra-red, FIR) | 8,000~14,000nm | 8~14 MICRON

2Physical Properties

1. Thermal effect

2. Strong ability to penetrate clouds

3Discovery of Wavelengths

Newton discovered the spectra in 1666 AD and measured 3 ,900 ? ~ 7,600 ? (400nm ~ 700nm) is the wavelength of visible light. 1800 April 24, the Royal Society of London, England (ROYAL SOCIETY) William Herschel published the sun's light in the visible spectrum of the red light in addition to a kind of invisible extension of the spectrum, with a thermal effect. The method he used is very simple, with a thermometer to measure the temperature of the color of light after the prism after splitting, from violet to red, found that the temperature gradually increased, but when the thermometer is placed in the red light outside the part of the temperature still continues to rise, and thus concluded that there is the existence of infrared. The same test was done on the ultraviolet part, but there was no increase in temperature. Ultraviolet light was discovered by Ritter in 1801 using silver chloride as a sensitizer. The wavelength of near-infrared light that can be sensed by the negative is twice the wavelength of light visible to the naked eye. The upper limit of wavelengths that can be recorded with the negative is 13,500 angstroms, and with the addition of other special equipment, it can be as high as 20,000 angstroms, and any higher than that, it has to be detected with a physical instrument.

4 Characteristic Tests

Infrared wavelengths are longer, (radio, microwave, infrared, visible light. Wavelengths in order from long to short), giving the feeling of heat, the effect produced is the thermal effect, then infrared light in the process of penetration penetration to reach the range is at a level of what kind of level? If the infrared ray can penetrate to the atom, molecule inside, then it will cause the atom, molecule expansion and lead to the atom, molecule disintegration. Is this really the case? And in fact? Infrared light has a low frequency and not enough energy to achieve the effect of disintegration of atoms and molecules. Therefore, infrared light can only penetrate the gap in the atomic molecules, but can not penetrate to the atoms, molecules, due to infrared light can only penetrate to the atoms, molecules, the gap, will make the atoms, molecules, vibration acceleration, spacing, that is, to increase the energy of the thermal movement from the macroscopic point of view, the material in the melt, in the boiling, in the vaporization, but the substance of the nature of the material (the atoms, the molecules themselves) has not been changed, which is the infrared light The thermal effect of infrared light.

So we can use infrared this excitation mechanism to grill food, so that the organic polymer denaturation, but can not use infrared light to produce the photoelectric effect, not to mention can not make the nucleus of the atom inside the change.

In the same way, we can't use radio waves to grill food, the wavelength of radio waves is too long to penetrate into the gap between organic polymers, let alone denaturing them for the purpose of cooking food.

Through the above we know: the shorter the wavelength, the higher the frequency, the greater the energy of the wave penetration to reach a larger range; the longer the wavelength, the lower the frequency, the smaller the energy of the wave penetration to reach a smaller range.

5 far-infrared

Far-infrared discovery In 1800 A.D., the German scientist "Herschel" found that the sun's infrared rays around the outside of the eye can not be seen


Light source, wavelengths of 5.6-1000 UM "far-infrared", after the irradiation of this light source, the organism will have a radiation, penetration, absorption, **. radiation, penetration, absorption, **** vibration effect. NASA (NASA) research report pointed out that in the infrared, the human body has to help the 4-14 micron far infrared, can penetrate the human body internal 15cm, from the internal heat, from the role of the body to promote the expansion of microvessels, so that the blood circulation smooth, to achieve the purpose of the metabolism, which increases the body's immunity and the rate of healing. However, according to the theory of black body radiation, the general material to produce sufficient intensity of far-infrared rays, and not easy, usually must be assisted by a special material for the conversion of energy, it will be absorbed by the heat through the vibration of internal molecules and then issued by the longer wavelengths of the far-infrared rays out.

6 radiation source area

Incandescent light-emitting area

Actinic range, also known as the "photochemical reaction zone", by the incandescent object produced by the rays, from the visible domain to the infrared domain. Examples include light bulbs (tungsten filament lamps) and the sun.

Hot-object radiation region

Hot-object range, heat rays produced by non-incandescent objects, such as electric irons and other electric heaters, etc., with an average temperature of about 400 degrees Celsius.

Heat conduction zone

Calorific range, heat rays generated by boiling hot water or hot steam pipes. The average temperature is below 200°C. This region is also known as the "non-actinic" zone.

Warm range

Warm range, produced by the human body, animals or geothermal heat rays, the average temperature of about 40 ℃ or so. Standing in the photographic and photographic technology point of view to see the light-sensitive properties: the energy of the light wave and the sensitivity of the light-sensitive material is the most important factor causing the light-sensitive. The longer the wavelength, the weaker the energy, i.e., the energy of infrared light is lower than that of visible light, and even lower than that of ultraviolet light. But high energy wave must face another problem is: the higher the energy penetration is stronger, can not form a reflected wave so that the light-sensitive material to capture the image, such as X-ray, must be in the back of the object to be photographed to take the image. As a result, photography has had to move in the direction of longer wavelengths - the "near-infrared" part of the spectrum. Near-infrared photography for the goal of imaging, with the progress of chemical and electronic technology, the evolution of the following three directions:

1. Near-infrared film: near-infrared wavelength of 700nm ~ 900nm as the main sensing range, the use of emulsions added to the special dyes to produce a photochemical reaction, so that the light changes in this wave domain into chemical changes to form an image.

2. Near-infrared electronic photographic material: The near-infrared wavelength of 700nm to 2,000nm is the main sensing range, which utilizes silicon based compound crystals to generate photoelectric reactions to form electronic images.

3. Middle and Far Infrared Thermal Imaging Sensor Material: The middle and far infrared wavelengths of 3,000nm to 14,000nm are the main sensing ranges, which utilize special sensors and cooling technology to form electronic images.

7Therapeutic effects


After infrared rays irradiate the surface of the body, part of them are reflected and the other part is absorbed by the skin. The degree of reflection of infrared rays by the skin is related to the condition of pigmentation. When irradiated with infrared rays with a wavelength of 0.9 microns, the non-pigmented skin reflects about 60% of its energy; while the pigmented skin reflects about 40% of its energy. Long-wave infrared (wavelength 1.5 microns or more) irradiation, the vast majority of the reflected and absorbed by the superficial skin tissues, the depth of penetration into the skin is only 0.05 ~ 2 mm, and thus can only act on the surface of the skin tissues; short-wave infrared (wavelength of 1.5 microns or less) as well as the red light of the near infrared part of the deepest infrared into the tissues, the depth of penetration of up to 10 millimeters, and can be directly effected by blood vessels in the skin, The infrared light can penetrate deepest into the tissues up to 10 millimeters, and can directly affect the blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, nerve endings and other subcutaneous tissues.

In the infrared region, the most beneficial to the human body is the wave band 4 to 14 range of this band, this in the medical profession collectively referred to as "fertility light", because the infrared wavelengths on the growth of life has this role in promoting the role of infrared light on the activation of cell tissues, blood circulation has a very good role in improving the human immunity, strengthening the human body, and the role of infrared light. This infrared ray has a very good effect on the activation of cell tissues and blood circulation, and can improve human immunity and strengthen human metabolism. [1]

Infrared erythema

Infrared erythema can appear when sufficient intensity of infrared light irradiates the skin, and the erythema disappears soon after irradiation is stopped. When large doses of infrared rays irradiate the skin several times, brown marble-like pigmentation can be produced, which is related to the thermal effect of strengthening the pigment formation of melanocytes in the basal cell layer of the blood vessel wall.

Therapeutic effect

The basis of the therapeutic effect of infrared rays is the warming effect. Under infrared irradiation, the tissue temperature rises, capillary expansion, blood flow is accelerated, the material metabolism is enhanced, and the vitality and regenerative capacity of tissue cells are increased. When infrared light treats chronic inflammation, it improves blood circulation, increases the phagocytosis of cells, eliminates swelling, and promotes the dissipation of inflammation. Infrared rays can reduce the excitability of the nervous system, have analgesic, relieve the spasm of the transverse and smooth muscles as well as promote the recovery of nerve function. In the treatment of chronic infected wounds and chronic ulcers, it improves tissue nutrition, eliminates granulomatous edema, promotes granulomatous growth and accelerates wound healing. Infrared irradiation has the effect of reducing the exudation of burn wounds. Infrared light is also often used in the treatment of sprains and contusions, to promote tissue swelling and hematoma dissipation as well as reduce postoperative adhesions, promote scar softening, reduce scar contracture.

The role of infrared light on the blood

Because infrared light can penetrate deep into the subcutaneous tissue of the human body, so the use of infrared light reaction, so that the deep subcutaneous skin temperature rises, expanding the microvessels, promote blood circulation, resurrection of the enzymes, strengthen the blood and cellular tissue metabolism, the cells to restore the youth has a great deal of help and can improve anemia. Regulate blood pressure: High blood pressure and arteriosclerosis are generally caused by the contraction and narrowing of small arteries in the nervous system, endocrine system, kidneys, etc. Far infrared rays dilate microvessels, promote blood circulation and improve anemia. Far infrared rays expand the microvessels, promote blood circulation can make high blood pressure lower, but also improve the symptoms of low blood pressure.

The role of infrared radiation on the joints

Infrared radiation penetrates deep into the muscles and joints, warming the inside of the body, relaxing the muscles, driving the exchange of oxygen and nutrients in the microvascular network and eliminating the accumulation of fatigue in the body and lactic acid and other waste products of the aging to eliminate the internal swelling and alleviate the effect of the aches and pains of the excellent.

The role of infrared radiation on the autonomic nervous system

The autonomic nervous system is mainly to regulate the function of internal organs, people in a state of anxiety for a long time, the autonomic nervous system continues to be tense, which will lead to reduced immunity, headache, dizziness, insomnia and fatigue, cold limbs. Infrared light can regulate the autonomic nervous system to maintain an optimal state, the above symptoms can be improved or eliminated.

Infrared rays on the role of skin care and beauty

Infrared irradiation of the human body produces **** sound absorption, can cause fatigue and aging substances, such as lactic acid, free fatty acids, cholesterol, excess subcutaneous fat, etc., membership of follicle mouth and the activation of subcutaneous fat, not through the kidneys, directly from the skin metabolism. Therefore, it can make the skin smooth and soft. The physical therapy effect of far infrared rays can make the body heat energy increase, cell activation, so promote the metabolism of adipose tissue, combustion decomposition, the excess fat consumption, and then effective weight loss.

The role of infrared rays on the circulatory system

The comprehensiveness and deep penetration of far-infrared irradiation is the only way to take care of the microcirculation system, which is spread all over the body and outside of the body, and the microcirculation system is the only way to take care of the physical therapy. When the microcirculation is smooth, the pressure of heart contraction is reduced, and the supply of oxygen and nutrients is sufficient, so the body is naturally lighter and healthier. Strengthen liver function: The liver is the largest chemical factory in the body and is the purifier of blood. Far infrared radiation caused by the deep effect of heat in the body, can activate cells, improve tissue regeneration, promote cell growth, strengthen liver function, improve liver detoxification, detoxification, so that the internal environment to maintain a good state, it can be said to be the best strategy to prevent disease. [2]

The role of infrared light on the eye

Because the eye contains more fluid, the infrared absorption is stronger, and thus a certain intensity of infrared light directly irradiate the eyes can cause cataract. The production of cataracts is related to the action of short-wave infrared; infrared wavelengths greater than 1.5 microns do not cause cataracts.

The role of light bath on the body

The role of light bath is infrared, visible light and hot air. Light bath can make a larger area, even the whole body sweating, thus reducing the burden on the kidneys, and can improve the blood circulation of the kidneys, which is conducive to the recovery of renal function. Light bath action can increase hemoglobin, red blood cells, neutrophils, lymphocytes, eosinophils, and mild nuclear left shift; strengthen immunity. Localized baths improve the blood supply and nutrition of nerves and muscles, thus promoting the return of their function to normal. Whole-body light bath can significantly affect the metabolic processes in the body and increase the burden of systemic thermal regulation; it also has a certain effect on the vegetative nervous system and cardiovascular system.

Equipment and therapeutic methods

Infrared light source

1. Infrared radiators

The resistive wire wrapped around a ceramic rod, the resistive wire generates heat after energizing, so that the temperature of the carbon rod outside the cover of the resistive wire rises (generally no more than 500 degrees Celsius), and emits predominantly long-wave infrared rays.

Infrared radiation therapy device

Infrared radiators have two types of standing and portable. Standing infrared emitter power up to 600 ~ 1000 watts or more.

In recent years, some areas of China made far-infrared radiators for medical use, for example, with high silica as a component, made of far-infrared radiators.

2. Incandescent lamp

In the medical treatment of a variety of different power of incandescent bulbs are widely used as infrared light source. The tungsten filament inside the bulb can reach a temperature of 2000 ~ 2500 ℃ after energized.

Incandescent lamps used in phototherapy in the following forms:

Standing incandescent lamps: with a power of 250 ~ 1000W incandescent bulbs, in the reflector installed between a metal mesh, for protection. Standing incandescent lamps, usually called sun lamps.

Portable incandescent lamp: with less power (mostly 200W or less) incandescent bulbs, installed in a small reflector, reflector fixed in a small bracket.

3. Light bath device

Can be divided into two kinds of local or whole body irradiation. According to the different sizes of the light bath box, installed in the box 40 ~ 60W bulb 6 ~ 30. Light bath box is semicircular, the fixed bulb part of the box can add a small metal reflector. Whole body light bath box should be attached to the thermometer, in order to observe the temperature inside the box, adjusted at any time.

Infrared treatment method

1. The patient to take the appropriate position, bare irradiation site.

2. Check whether the irradiation site is normal to the sense of warmth.

3. Move the lamp to the irradiation site above or to the side, the distance is generally as follows:

Power 500W or more, the lamp distance should be more than 50-60cm; power 250-300W, the lamp distance of 30-40cm; power 200W or less, the lamp distance of about 20cm.

4. When applying local or whole body light bath, the ends of the light bath box need to be covered with cloth sheets. Three to five minutes after the power is turned on, the patient should be asked whether the warmth is appropriate; the temperature in the light bath box should be maintained at 40 to 50 degrees Celsius.

5. Each irradiation is 15~30 minutes, 1~2 times a day, 15~20 times as a course of treatment.

6. At the end of the treatment, the irradiated area should be dried of sweat, and the patient should rest indoors for 10 to 15 minutes before going out.

[Attachment] Precautions

(1) The patient should not move the position during treatment to prevent burns.

(2) If you feel overheating, panic, dizziness and other reactions during the irradiation process, you need to inform the staff immediately.

(3) When the irradiation site is close to the eyes or the light can reach the eyes, the eyes should be covered with gauze.

(4) When the affected area has warmth and heat sensation disorder or when irradiating fresh scarred area or implanted skin area, a small dose should be applied and the local reaction should be closely observed to avoid burns.

(5) blood circulation obstacles in the area, the more obvious capillaries or vasodilatation parts generally do not use infrared irradiation.

Selection of irradiation mode and irradiation dose

1. Selection of different irradiation modes

Infrared irradiation is mainly used for local treatment, in individual cases, such as pediatric whole-body ultraviolet irradiation can be combined with the application of infrared radiation to do whole-body irradiation. Local irradiation, such as the need for thermal effect of deeper, the preferred choice of incandescent lamp (i.e., sun lamp). Treatment of chronic rheumatoid arthritis can be used local light bath; treatment of multiple peripheral neuritis can be used whole body light bath.

2. Irradiation dose

The size of the infrared radiation dose is determined by the characteristics of the lesion, the location, the patient's age and the functional status of the body. Infrared radiation when the patient has a comfortable warm feeling, the skin can appear light red uniform erythema, such as the appearance of marble-like erythema is overheating performance. The skin temperature should not exceed 45℃, otherwise it can cause burns.

Main indications and contraindications

(I) Indications

Rheumatoid arthritis, chronic bronchitis, pleurisy, chronic gastritis, chronic enteritis, radiculitis, neuritis, polypoidal peripheral neuritis, spastic paralysis, flaccid paralysis, peripheral nerve trauma, soft-tissue trauma, chronic wounds, frostbite, burns, decubitus ulcers, chronic lymphadenitis. Chronic phlebitis, post-injection sclerosis, postoperative adhesions, scar contracture, postpartum lack of milk, nipple fissure, vulvodynia, chronic pelvic inflammatory disease, eczema, neurodermatitis, skin ulcers and so on.

(2) Contraindications

Having bleeding tendency, high fever, active tuberculosis, severe arteriosclerosis, occlusive vasculitis, etc.

[Attachment] Examples of prescriptions

(1) Infrared irradiation of both knee joints: lamp distance 40cm, 30 minutes, once a day, 7 times. Indications: chronic rheumatoid arthritis

(2) Infrared irradiation of the right side of the chest (lower half) lamp distance 50cm, 20 minutes, once a day, 8 times. Indications: right-sided dry pleurisy

(3) Sun lamp irradiation of the lumbosacral region: lamp distance 40cm, 20-30 minutes, once a day, 6 times. Indications: lumbosacral radiculitis

(4) Whole-body light bath: box temperature of 40 to 45 ℃, 20 to 30 minutes, once a day, 8 times. Indications: multiple peripheral neuritis

(5) Localized light bath of the left calf: 20 to 30 minutes, once a day, 8 times. Indications: trauma to the left common peroneal nerve

8 Pollution Problems

Infrared rays have been increasingly used in recent years in the military, artificial satellites, as well as in industry, health, scientific research, and so on, and so the problem of infrared pollution has arisen. Infrared is a kind of thermal radiation, the human body can cause high-temperature damage. Stronger infrared rays can cause skin injuries similar to burns, initially burning and then causing burns. Infrared damage to the eye has several different situations, the wavelength of 7500 ~ 13000 ? of infrared light on the cornea of the cornea of the higher transmission rate, can cause damage to the fundus of the retina. Especially near 11000? infrared light, can make the front of the eye media (corneal crystals, etc.) is not damaged and directly caused by the fundus retinal burns. Infrared rays with a wavelength of 19,000? or more are almost completely absorbed by the cornea, causing corneal burns (clouding, white spots). Infrared wavelengths greater than 14,000 ?, most of the energy is absorbed by the cornea and intraocular fluid, not through the iris. Only infrared rays below 13,000 angstroms can penetrate the iris and cause iris damage. Long-term exposure of the human eye to infrared light may cause cataracts.

Infrared light can be created by man, and also exists widely in nature, in the welding process will also be produced, jeopardizing the health of the welder's eyes; general biology will radiate infrared light, embodied in the macroscopic effect is the degree of heat.

We know that the cause of heat, is composed of particles of matter to do irregular movement. This motion also radiates electromagnetic waves, which are mostly infrared.

1. It is true that the sun's rays are almost absent at night, but all substances on earth radiate infrared rays, some strongly and some calmly. Infrared photography is by receiving infrared rays emitted by various substances and then showing them, but it is not itself by emitting infrared rays to take pictures.

2. Infrared perspective and night vision are utilizing different properties of infrared light. Night vision is because the human eye can not see infrared light, but specially designed cameras and night-vision devices are specialized in receiving infrared light, so there will be a darkness we feel, but the camera can shoot things, because in fact everywhere is infrared light, for infrared cameras and night vision devices is a bright.

Transparency, on the other hand, utilizes infrared light's wavelength, which is longer than that of visible light, to pass through fabrics (such as cotton blends and nylons) that visible light cannot pass through, so with some selective filtering, you can get an image of what's behind those fabrics.

9 Application Examples

Life in the high temperature sterilization, infrared night vision, monitoring equipment, infrared port of the cell phone, hotel room door card, car, TV remote control, sink infrared sensing, hotel door in front of the sensing door

Active infrared night vision

With the characteristics of a clear imaging, simple to produce, but its Achilles heel is infrared The infrared light emitted by the searchlight will be found by the enemy's infrared detection devices. 60's, the United States first developed a fluctuating thermal imaging camera, which does not emit infrared light, is not easy to be detected by the enemy, and has the ability to observe through the fog, rain and so on.

In April-June 1982, the Malvinas Islands War broke out between Britain and Argentina, and in the middle of the night of April 13, British troops attacked Port Stanley, the largest stronghold of the Argentine defense. 3,000 British troops laid minefields that suddenly appeared in front of the Argentine defense line. All British guns and artillery were equipped with infrared night-vision devices, which were able to clearly spot the Argentine targets in the darkness of the night. The Arabs, on the other hand, lacked night-vision devices and could not spot the British, and were only passively beaten. Under the accurate strikes of the British firepower, the Arabs could not support them, and the British took the opportunity to launch a charge. By dawn, the British had already occupied several major high points on the Arabs' defense line, and the Arabs were completely under the control of British firepower. 14,000 Arabs had to surrender to the British at 9:00 p.m. on the night of June 14, and the British were able to take the lead in infrared night vision. The British won a heavily outnumbered battle ahead of infrared night-vision equipment.

In the 1991 Gulf War, on a sandy and smoky battlefield, the U.S. Army, equipped with advanced infrared night-vision equipment, was able to spot the Iraqi tanks ahead of each other and open fire. And the Iraqi army only from the U.S. tanks to open fire on the muzzle of the fire to know the enemy in front. This can be seen in the infrared night vision equipment in modern warfare important role.

Perspective binoculars

Just like the F717 At night, turn the night vision on to, and add a filter, you can see through it, but it's the worst for all-cotton clothing to see through. This was a useful feature, however users soon realized that this infrared night vision lens function could be applied not only for night vision but also for peeking through a person's clothing to see the body. The manufacturer of this night-vision accessory is Yamada Denshi, a company that originally produced light-transmitting cameras for military and defense applications.

Infrared thermal imager

Origin: the early sixties, Sweden AGA company successfully developed the second generation of infrared imaging devices, it is in the infrared vision system on the basis of an increase in the function of temperature measurement, called the infrared thermal imaging camera.

Beginning due to confidentiality reasons, in developed countries is also limited to military, put into application of thermal imaging devices can be the dark night or thick curtain cloud to detect each other's goals, detecting camouflaged targets and high-speed movement of the target. Due to the support of national funds, the input of the research and development costs are very large, and the cost of the instrument is also very high. Later, taking into account the practicality of the development of industrial production, combined with the characteristics of industrial infrared detection, to take the compression of the cost of the instrument. Reduce production costs and according to civilian requirements, by reducing the scanning speed to improve the image resolution and other measures to gradually develop into civilian areas.

In the mid-sixties, AGA developed the first industrial real-time imaging system (THV), the system is cooled by liquid nitrogen, 110V supply voltage power supply, weighing about 35 kilograms, so the use of portability is very poor, after a few generations of instrumentation improvements, the development of the 1986 infrared thermal imaging camera has been no need for liquid nitrogen or high-pressure gas, and thermoelectric mode of cooling, can be powered by batteries; Launched in 1988, the full-featured thermal imaging camera, temperature measurement, modification, analysis, image acquisition, storage in one, weighing less than 7 kilograms, the instrument's function, accuracy and reliability have been significantly improved.

In the mid-1990s, the U.S. FSI company first successfully developed by the military technology (FPA) to the civilian and commercialization of a new infrared camera (CCD) is a focal plane array structure of a condensed image device, the technical function is more advanced, the site temperature measurement only need to be directed at the target to take images, and will be the above information is stored in the machine on the PC card, that is, to complete the full operation of a variety of parameter settings can be returned to the indoor software to modify. Setting of various parameters can be returned to the room with the software to modify and analyze the data, and finally directly derived from the test report, due to technological improvements and structural changes, instead of complex mechanical scanning, the weight of the instrument has been less than two kilograms, the use of hand-held camera as one-handed can be easily operated. Principle: Infrared thermal imager is based on all above absolute zero (-273.15 ℃) above the object have radiated infrared radiation of the basic principles, the use of the target and the background of their own infrared radiation differences to find and identify the target instrument.

Features: Because of the different intensity of infrared radiation of various objects, so that people, animals, vehicles, airplanes, etc. clearly be observed, and not subject to smoke, fog and trees and other obstacles, day and night can work. Is currently the most advanced night vision observation equipment mastered by mankind. But because the price is particularly expensive, can only be applied to the military, but due to the thermal imaging applications are very wide range of electric power, underground pipelines, fire medical, disaster relief, industrial testing, etc. There is a huge market, with the development of social and economic, scientific and technological advances in infrared thermography, this high-tech in two or three decades will be large-scale application of the civil market, to contribute to mankind.

10 national standards

Current national standards related to infrared light

GB/T 4333.10-1990 Ferro Silicon Chemical Analysis Methods Infrared Absorption Method for Determination of Carbon

GB/T 11261-2006 Determination of Oxygen Content of Iron and Steel Pulsed Heating Inert Gas Melting - Infrared Absorption Method

GB/T 4702.14-1988 Infrared absorption method for the determination of carbon by chemical analysis of chromium metal

GB/T 5059.7-1988 Infrared absorption method for the determination of carbon by chemical analysis of molybdenum iron

GB 4706.85-2008 Household and similar electrical appliances and safety of ultraviolet and infrared radiation of the skin appliances of the special requirements

GB/T 4699.6-2008 Determination of sulfur content of ferrochrome and silicon-chromium alloys by infrared absorption and combustion-neutralization and titration

GB/T 4701.10-2008 Determination of sulfur content of ferro titanium by infrared absorption and combustion-neutralization and titration

GB/T 4699.4-2008 Determination of carbon content of ferrochrome and silicon-chromium alloys by infrared absorption and gravimetric method

GB/T 5686.7-2008 Determination of sulfur content of ferromanganese, manganese-silicon alloys, ferromanganese nitride and manganese metal by infrared absorption and combustion neutronization and titration

GB/T 7731.12-2008 Determination of sulfur content of ferrotungsten by infrared absorption and combustion neutronization and titration

GB/T 3654.6-2008 Determination of sulfur content of ferronium Determination of sulfur content of ferro-niobium by combustion iodometric method, hypomethyl blue photometric method and infrared absorption method

GB/T 5686.5-2008 Determination of carbon content of ferromanganese, manganese-silicon alloys, ferromanganese nitrides and manganese metal by infrared absorption method, gas volumetric method, gravimetric method and coulometric method

GB/T 4702.16-2008 Determination of sulfur content of chromium metal by infrared absorption and combustion neutralization and titration method Combustion Neutralization Titration Method

GB/T 5059.9-2008 Determination of Sulfur Content of Ferromolybdenum Infrared Absorption and Combustion Iodometric Method

GB/T 8704.3-2009 Determination of Sulfur Content of Ferro Vanadium Infrared Absorption and Combustion Neutralization Titration Method

GB/T 8704.1-2009 Determination of Carbon Content of Ferro Vanadium Infrared Absorption and Gas Volumetric Method

GB/T 8704.1-2009 Determination of Carbon Content of Ferro Vanadium Infrared Absorption and Gas Volumetric Method

GB/T 4701.8-2009 Infrared Absorption Method for the Determination of Carbon Content of Ferro Titanium

GB/T 24224-2009 Combustion-Neutralization Titration, Combustion-Potassium Iodate Titration and Combustion-Infrared Absorption for the Determination of Sulfur Content of Chromium Ore

GB/T 23140-2009 Infrared Bulb

GB/T 24583. p>GB/T 24583.6-2009 Infrared Absorption Method for the Determination of Sulfur Content in Vanadium-Nitrogen Alloys

GB/T 24583.4-2009 Infrared Absorption Method for the Determination of Carbon Content in Vanadium-Nitrogen Alloys

GB/T 24583.7-2009 Infrared Absorption Method for the Determination of Oxygen Content in Vanadium-Nitrogen Alloys

GB/T 7731.10 1988 Determination of Carbon by Infrared Absorption Method for Chemical Analysis of Ferro Tungsten

GB/T 25930-2010 Test Method for Infrared Gas Analyzers

GB/T 25929-2010 Technical Conditions for Infrared Gas Analyzers

GB/T 13193-1991 Determination of Total Organic Carbon (TOC) in Water by Non-dispersive Infrared Absorption Method

GB/T 24583.7-2009 Oxygen Content of Vanadium and Nitrogen Alloy

GB/T 7731.10-GB/T 7731.10 Absorption method