Industrial thermocouple. Industrial thermocouples have platinum rhodium wire B model, S model, R model, platinum rhodium thermocouple, also known as high temperature precious metal thermocouple, platinum rhodium has a single platinum-rhodium (platinum rhodium 10-platinum rhodium) and double platinum-rhodium (platinum rhodium 30-platinum rhodium 6) points.
As a temperature measurement sensor, usually used in conjunction with the temperature transmitter, regulator and display instrumentation, etc., composed of process control system, used to directly measure or control a variety of production processes within the range of 0-1800 ℃ fluid, steam and gas media and solid surfaces and other temperatures.
Platinum-rhodium wire advantages
Platinum-based rhodium-containing binary alloy, at high temperatures for the continuous solid solution. Rhodium can improve the alloy to platinum thermal potential, oxidation and acid corrosion resistance. There are PtRh5, PtRhl0, PtRhl3, PtRh30 and PtRh40 alloys. Alloys greater than 20% Rh are insoluble in aqua regia. Mainly used as thermocouple materials, there are PtRhl0/Pt, PtRh13/Pt and so on.
Platinum resistance inside the most commonly used is platinum rhodium thermocouple, in industrial use is very wide. Therefore, the recovery of platinum rhodium wire is more common. The more usual recycling are: S-type platinum-rhodium wire recycling, R-type platinum-rhodium wire recycling, B-type platinum-rhodium wire recycling. It can also be simply distinguished as single platinum-rhodium recovery, double platinum-rhodium recovery.