Work injury appraisal standard is abolished

Work injury identification standards will not be abolished, abolished, there is no standard for labor capacity assessment. Repeal of the old standards, there will be a new standard replacement. The current work injury appraisal standard is the national standard "labor capacity appraisal of employees with work injuries and occupational disease disability grade" GB/T16180-2014.

Chinese people*** and the national standard

Labor Capacity Appraisal of Employees with Work Injuries and Occupational Disease Disability Grade


GB/ T16180-2014 Replaces GB/T16180-2006


Labor Capacity Identification of Employees' Disability Grades for Work Injuries and Occupational Diseases

Title of Contents



2.Normative References Documents

3, Terms and Definitions

4, General Provisions

5, Classification of Disability Grades of Work-related Injuries and Occupational Diseases of Employees

5.1 Grade 1

5.2 Grade 2

5.3 Grade 3

5.4 Grade 4

5.5 Grade 5

5.6 Grade 6

5.7 Grade VII

5.8 Grade VIII

5.9 Grade IX

5.10 Grade X

Appendix A Benchmarks for Determining the Classification of Work Injuries and Occupational Diseases Causing Disability in Various Categories of Work Injuries and Occupational Diseases

Appendix B (Informative Appendix) Explanation on the Correct Use of the Standard

Appendix C (Normative Appendix) Classification Table for Grading the Grade of Disability Caused by Employee's Work Injuries and Occupational Diseases


This standard is drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009.

This standard replaces GB/T16180-2006 "labor capacity appraisal of employees with work-related injuries and occupational disease disability rating", compared with GB/T16180-2006, the main technical changes are as follows:

- - - - - General provisions of the grading scale of occupational diseases and work-related injuries and occupational diseases. ---Write the grading principle in the general principle into the headline of the corresponding grade standard;

---Further clarify the grading of 4.1.4 Nursing Dependence in the general principle;

--Deletion of the description of 4.1.5 Psychological Disorders in the General Provisions;

--Direction of clearly defined content in the Appendix into the standard articles;

--- Eliminate the expressions of age and whether or not to give birth in specific articles;

--- Add reference charts for the assessment of functional deficits of the hands and feet in Appendix B;

--Addition of instructions for the use of compensation rates for visual impairment in Appendix A;

--Adjustments were made to the diagnostic requirements for traumatic disc herniation in the appendix;

--Improved the requirements for the combined evaluation of epilepsy and intellectual disability;

--Grouped some of the provisions for thoracic and abdominal organ injuries;

--Adds a definition of systemic treatment;

--Adds a definition of long tubular bones of the extremities;

-. --- Added definition of typing of vertebral fractures;

--- Added benchmarks for quantitative determination of joint dysfunction;

- --added the clause "following internal fixation of a fracture of the patella, heel, talus, mandible or pelvis";

--added the clause After internal fixation or external fixation of fractures of the long tubular bones of the extremities";

---Added the following clause: "Mild postoperative dysfunction of the tendons and ligaments of the large joints of the extremities";

---Added the following clause: "Mild postoperative dysfunction of the large joints of the extremities"; and Functional Dysfunction";

--Improving, adjusting or deleting some irregular, unreasonable and even contradictory articles;

--Removing the suffixes of some articles;

--Removing the suffixes of some articles;

--Removing the suffixes of some articles. -The expression "no functional impairment" in the suffix of some articles, which is easy to cause ambiguity, has been canceled;

--The number of disability entries has been adjusted from 572 to 530.

This standard is proposed by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the People's Republic of China.

This standard is centralized by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the People's Republic of China*** and the State.

This standard drafting unit:Shanghai labor capacity identification center.

The main drafter of this standard: Chen Daojie, Zhang Yan, Yang Qingming, Liao Zhenjiang, Cao Guisong, Sui Shuping, Ye Rong, Zhou Zeshen, Tao Mingyi, Wang Guoqin, Cheng Yu, Zhou Anshou, Zuo Feng, Lin Jingrong, Yao Shiyuan, Wang Pei, Kong Xiangfei, Xu Xinrong, Yang Xiaofeng, Jiang Zhekai, Fang Xiaosong, Liu statement, Zhang Aiwu, Li Huaiwen, Yao Huang.

The successive versions of the standard replaced by this standard issued:

---GB/T16180-1996, GB/T16180-2006.

Labor capacity appraisal of employees with work-related injuries and occupational diseases disability rating

1, scope

This standard specifies the principle of labor capacity appraisal of employees with work-related injuries and disabilities and grading standards.

This standard applies to workers in the occupational activities of work-related injuries and occupational diseases caused by the degree of disability appraisal.

2, normative references

The following documents in the provisions of this standard through the citation and become the provisions of this standard. Where the cited document is dated, only the dated version applies to this document. Where the cited document is not dated, its latest version (including all change orders) applies to this standard.

GB/T4854 (all parts) acoustic calibration audiometric equipment of the reference zero level

GB/T734l (all parts) audiometer

GB/T7582-2004 acoustic hearing thresholds and the age of the relationship between the statistical distribution of the

GB/T7583 acoustic pure tone air-conducted threshold determination Protection of hearing

GB11533 standard logarithmic visual acuity scale

GBZ4 occupational chronic carbon disulfide poisoning diagnostic criteria

GBZ5 occupational fluorine and inorganic compounds poisoning diagnosis

GBZ7 occupational hand-arm vibration disease diagnostic criteria

GBZ9 occupational acute photophakic ophthalmopathy (ultraviolet keratitis) diagnosis

GBZ9 occupational acute photophakic ophthalmopathy (UV cornea) Conjunctivitis) diagnosis

GBZ12 Occupational chromic rhinitis diagnostic criteria

GBZ23 Occupational acute carbon monoxide poisoning diagnostic criteria

GBZ24 Occupational decompression sickness diagnostic criteria

GBZ35 Occupational cataract diagnostic criteria

GBZ45 Occupational trinitrotoluene cataract diagnostic criteria

GBZ49 Occupational noise deafness diagnostic criteria

GBZ54 Occupational chemical eye burn diagnostic criteria

GBZ57 Occupational asthma diagnostic criteria

GBZ60 Occupational allergic pneumonitis diagnostic criteria

GBZ61 Occupational dental erosion diagnostic criteria

GBZ70 pneumoconiosis diagnostic criteria

GBZ8l Occupational phosphorus poisoning diagnostic standards

GBZ82 Occupational coal mine workers bursitis diagnostic standards

GBZ83 Occupational chronic arsenic poisoning diagnostic standards

GBZ94 Occupational tumors diagnostic standards

GBZ95 Radioactive cataract diagnostic standards

GBZ96 Internal Diagnostic Criteria for Radioactive Radiation Diseases

GBZ97 Diagnostic Criteria for Radioactive Tumors

GBZ101 Diagnostic Criteria for Radioactive Thyroid

GBZ104 Diagnostic Criteria for Acute Radiation Diseases with External Exposure

GBZ105 Diagnostic Criteria for Chronic Radiation Diseases with External Exposure

GBZ106 Diagnostic Criteria for Radioactive Skin Diseases

GBZ107 Diagnostic Criteria for Radioactive Gonadal Disease

GBZ109 Diagnostic Criteria for Radioactive Bladder Disease

GBZ110 Diagnostic Criteria for Acute Radiation Pneumonia

GBZ/T238 Diagnosis of Occupational Blast Deafness

3. Terms and Definitions

The following terms and definitions are applicable to this document.

3.1 Labor Capacity Appraisal

Technical appraisal conclusions made by the statutory bodies on the degree of labor dysfunction (degree of disability) and the degree of impairment of self-care of life through medical examination after a worker is injured at work or suffers from an occupational disease in the course of occupational activities, in accordance with the provisions of the national workmen's compensation insurance laws and regulations and in the course of evaluating the degree of disability.

3.2 Medical Dependency

The work-related disability is still not able to leave the treatment after the technical appraisal of the disability grade.

3.3 Impairment of self-care

The disabled person who is unable to take care of himself/herself due to his/her work injury is dependent on other people's care.

4. General Rules

4.1 Basis of Judgment

4.1.1 Comprehensive Judgment

The degree of disability is comprehensively judged based on the degree of organ damage, dysfunction, and dependence on medical treatment and daily life care at the time of technical appraisal of the degree of disability, with due consideration given to the influence of psycho-social factors caused by the disability.

Appendix A is the benchmarks for grading disabilities caused by work-related injuries and occupational diseases.

Appendix B for the correct use of the standard instructions.

4.1.2 Organ damage

Organ damage is a direct consequence of work injury, but occupational diseases do not necessarily have organ defects.

4.1.3 Functional Dysfunction

The degree of functional dysfunction after a work injury is related to the location and severity of the organ defect, and organ dysfunction due to occupational disease is related to the severity of the disease. The determination of functional impairment shall be based on the results of the medical examination at the time of the technical appraisal for assessing the level of disability, and shall be determined on a case-by-case basis according to the object of disability assessment.

4.1.4 Medical dependence

Medical dependence is graded as follows:

a) special medical dependence means that the person must be treated with special medication, special medical equipment or devices for life after the work-related disability;

b) general medical dependence means that the person still needs to be treated with medication for a long time or for life after the work-related disability.

4.1.5 Impairment of self-care in life

The scope of self-care in life mainly includes the following five items:

a) Eating: completely unable to eat on their own, and need to rely on the help of other people;

b) Turning over: unable to turn over on their own;

c) Urination and defecation: unable to move on their own, and need to rely on the help of other people in defecation and defecation;

d) Dressing and washing: unable to dress and wash himself, totally dependent on others for help;

e) Autonomous movement: unable to walk around on his own.

There are three levels of dependence on nursing care:

a) total self-care disorder: completely unable to take care of oneself, requiring nursing care for all the five items mentioned above;

b) most of the self-care disorder: unable to take care of oneself for most of the time, needing nursing care for three or four out of the five items mentioned above;

c) part of the self-care disorder: partially unable to take care of oneself, requiring nursing care for one or two out of the five items mentioned above. one or two of the above require nursing care.

4.2 Principles of Promotion

Principles of Promotion

For those who suffer multiple injuries to the same organ or system, or different parts of more than one organ at the same time, the degree of disability of a single item shall be appraised first. If the grades of several items of disability are different, the heavier one shall be graded; if the grades of two or more items are the same, the maximum promotion shall be one grade.

4.3 Handling of existing disabilities and comorbidities

During the process of labor capacity evaluation, when comorbidities arise after work injuries or occupational diseases, the evaluation of the disability grade shall be based on the actual outcome of the disability at the time of the evaluation.

If the organ damaged by the injury has a history of disability or disease, i.e., single or double organ (e.g., both eyes, limbs, kidneys) or systematic injury, the appraisal should check whether the injury aggravates the original disability; if it aggravates the original disability, the appraisal is based on the factual outcome of disability; if the injury is lighter than the original disability, the appraisal is based on the outcome of the disability of the current injury.

The treatment of the original disability applies to the initial or reappraisal, review appraisal does not apply to this rule.

4.4 Classification

In accordance with the principles of clinical medicine and the interrelatedness of various disciplines, the determination of disability is divided into five classes.

a) Neurology, neurosurgery, psychiatry department.

b)Orthopedics, Plastic Surgery, Burns department.

c)Ophthalmology, otorhinolaryngology, stomatology door.

d)General Surgery, Thoracic Surgery, Genitourinary Medicine Department.

e)Department of Occupational Medicine.

4.5 Entry division

According to the five disciplines in 4.4, with the table C.1 to C.5 in Appendix C and the grading series of grades one to ten, according to the category of disability and the degree of disability to divide the disability entries, *** list the disability of 530 entries.

4.6 Classification

According to the principle of classification of entries and the degree of disability caused by work injuries, and taking into account the balance of the various categories of questions, the level of disability is divided into one to ten grades. The heaviest for the first level, the lightest for the tenth level. For individual disability cases not listed, refer to the corresponding grading principles in this standard for grading.

5. Classification of Work Injury and Occupational Disease Disabilities of Employees

5.1 Class I

5.1.1 Principles of Classification

Organs are missing or have lost their functions completely, and other organs are unable to compensate for them, and there exists a special medical dependence, or a complete or most or part of the impairment of life self-care.

5.1.2 First-degree clause series

Anyone who meets 5.1.1 or one of the following clauses is classified as a first-degree work-related injury

1) extremely severe intellectual impairment;

2) tetraplegia with muscle strength ≤ grade 3 or trilobar palsy with muscle strength ≤ grade 2;

3) severe non-limb palsy with motor impairment;

4) severe disfigurement of the face, together accompanied by one of the second-degree disabilities in Table C.2;

5)Severe scarring of the whole body, accounting for ≥90% of the body surface area, accompanied by a basic loss of function of the spine and the large joints of the limbs;

6)Absence of both elbows above the joints or a complete loss of function;

7)Absence of both lower limbs above the knee and one upper limb above the elbow;

8)Absence of both lower limbs and one upper limb with severe scarring, and a complete loss of function;

9) A severe scarring of both lower limbs and one upper limb, with a severe scarring of both lower limbs and one upper limb. Severe scarring deformity with complete loss of function

9)No light perception in both eyes or only light perception but inaccurate light localization;

10)Severe pulmonary impairment and dyspnea grade IV, requiring lifelong dependence on mechanical ventilation;

11)Double-lung or combined heart-lung transplantation;

12)Resection of ≥90% of the small bowel;

13)Post-hepatectomy in situ liver transplantation;

14)in situ liver transplantation for biliary tract injury;

15)total pancreatectomy;

16)bilateral nephrectomy or lone nephrectomy followed by maintenance on dialysis or uremic stage of renal insufficiency after homologous renal transplantation;

17)) tertiary pneumoconiosis with severe impairment of lung function and/or severe hypoxemia [Po2<. 5.3kPa(<40mmHg)];

18Other occupational lung disorders with severe impairment of lung function and/or severe hypoxemia [Po2<5.3kPa(<40mmHg)];

19)Post-radiation pneumonitis with fibrosis of lungs of two or more lobes with severe hypoxemia [Po2<5.3 kPa (<40mmHg)];

20)Occupational lung cancer with severe impairment of lung function;

21)Occupational hepatic hemangiosarcoma with severe hepatic impairment;

22)Cirrhosis of the liver with ruptured esophageal vein hemorrhage and severe hepatic impairment;

23)Renal insufficiency in the uremic stage with sustained <10mL endogenous creatinine clearance lt;10mL/min, or sustained plasma creatinine level >707μmol/L (8mg/dL).

5.2 Level II

5.2.1 Principles of grading

Severe organ defects or malformations, severe functional impairment or complications, the presence of special medical dependence, or impairment of self-care for most or part of life.

5.2.2 Second Degree Clause Series

Anyone who meets 5.2.1 or one of the following clauses is classified as a second-degree work injury.

1)severe intellectual impairment;

2)triple paraplegia muscle strength grade 3;

3)hemiplegia muscle strength ≤ grade 2;

4)paraplegia muscle strength ≤ grade 2;

5)total muscle paralysis muscle strength ≤ grade 2 in both hands;

6)total sensory or mixed aphasia;

7)severe scar formation all over the body, which accounts for body surface area ≥80%, accompanied by functional limitation of movement in more than 3 of the major joints of the extremities;

8)total body scarring or implantation with severe disfigurement;

9)bilateral forearm loss or complete loss of function of both hands;

10)bilateral lower limb scarring with complete loss of function;

11)bilateral above-the-knee loss;

12)complete loss of function of both knees and ankle joints with complete loss of function;

13)Absence or complete loss of function of the ipsilateral upper and lower limbs;

14)Complete loss of function of more than four of the large joints of the limbs (shoulders, hips, knees, and elbows);

15)Light perception in one eye with or without light perception, and corrected visual acuity of the other eye ≤ 0.02 or visual field of ≤ 8% (or radius of ≤ 5°);

16)Absence of swallowing function and complete dependence on a gastric tube for feeding;

17)Complete bilateral maxillary or bilateral mandibular agenesis;

18)Complete agenesis of the maxilla on one side and the mandible on the opposite side, accompanied by facial soft-tissue damage>750px2;

19)Total lung resection with thoracoplasty on one side and dyspnea grade III;

20 ) cardiac insufficiency grade III;

21) esophageal atresia or inability to perform esophageal reconstruction after injury and dependence on gastrostomy or jejunostomy for feeding;

22) resection of 3/4 of the small bowel, combined with short bowel syndrome;

23) hepatic resection of 3/4 of the liver with severe hepatic impairment;

24) development of portal hypertensive trichotillomania after hepatic trauma or the onset of Budd-chiari syndrome;

25)biliary tract injury resulting in severe impairment of liver function;

26)subtotal pancreatectomy, after pancreas transplantation;

27)partial resection of an isolated kidney, with a stage of decompensated renal insufficiency;

28)severe impairment of lung function and/or severe hypoxemia;

29)pneumoconiosis Stage III pneumoconiosis with moderate impairment of lung function and/or moderate hypoxemia;

30)Stage II pneumoconiosis with severe impairment of lung function and/or severe hypoxemia [Po2<5.3kPa(40mmHg)];;

31)Stage III pneumoconiosis with active tuberculosis;

32)occupational lung cancer or pleural mesothelioma;

33 )occupational acute leukemia;

34)acute severe aplastic anemia;

35)chronic severe toxic liver disease;

36)hepatic hemangiosarcoma;

37)renal insufficiency in the uremic stage with an endogenous creatinine clearance of <25mL/min or a persistent plasma creatinine level of >450μmol/L ( 5mg/dL);

38) Occupational bladder cancer;

39) Radioactive tumor.

5.3 Class III

5.3.1 Principles of Classification

Severe organ defects or deformities, serious functional impairment or complications, special medical dependence, or partial impairment of self-care.

5.3.2 Series of third-degree terms

Anyone who complies with 5.3.1 or one of the following terms is classified as having a third-degree work injury.

1)psychotic symptoms, who still exhibit dangerous or impulsive behavior after 1 year of systematic treatment;

2)psychotic symptoms, who still lack the ability to take care of themselves after 1 year of systematic treatment;

3)hemiplegic muscular strength of 3 grades;

4)paraplegic muscular strength of 3 grades;

5)bipedal total muscle paralysis of muscular strength ≤ 2 grades;

6)moderate non-limb paralysis motor impairment;

7)complete disuse, dysgraphia, dyslexia, dyscognition, etc. with two or more of them;

8)generalized severe scar formation, accounting for ≥70% of the body surface area, accompanied by two or more of the large joints of the limbs with limited mobility;

9)facial scarring or implantation of skin ≥2/3 and moderate disfigurement;

10)absence of one hand and loss of the thumb of the other hand;

11)absence or total loss of function of the thumb and index finger of both hands;

12)total loss of function of one hand and loss of function of the thumb of the other hand;

13)absence or non-function of one of the hip and knee joints and severe dysfunction of the other joint;

14)absence or total loss of function of the knees;

14)absence or loss of function of the knees;

14)absence or loss of function of the knees;

14)absence or loss of function of the knees;

14)absence of the knees;

14)absence of the knees;

14)absence of the knees;

14 complete loss of function;

15)deformity of one hip or knee with complete loss of function;

16)non-identical supra-carpal and supra-ankle defects;

17)non-identical upper and lower limb scar deformities, with complete loss of function;

18)light perception or absence of light perception in one eye, and corrected visual acuity of ≤0.05 or visual field of ≤16% (radius ≤10°) in the other eye;

19)absence or lack of function in one eye, and severe dysfunction of another joint;

20) absence or lack of function of one joint or both joints, and serious dysfunction of another joint;

21) absence or lack of function in one joint of both joints, and serious dysfunction of the other joint;<

19)Corrected visual acuity in both eyes <0.05 or visual field ≤16% (radius ≤10°);

20)Removal of the eye or enucleation of the contents of the eye in one eye, with corrected visual acuity in the other eye <0.1 or visual field ≤24% (or radius ≤15°);

21)Complete dependence on tracheal cannulae or stomas for breathing;

22)Laryngeal or tracheal injury resulting in dyspnea at rest or with only slight movement;

23)Complete ipsilateral maxillary or mandibular agenesis;

24)Complete maxillary or mandibular agenesis on one side with facial soft tissue damage/>750px2;

25)Tongue agenesis > 2/3 of the whole tongue;

26)Total lung resection and thoracoplasty on one side;

26)Total lung Resection and thoracoplasty;

27)Thoracoplasty on one side with resection of more than 6 ribs;

28)Resection of whole lung on one side with rongeur resection and plication;

29)Resection of whole lung on one side with revascularization of the great vessels;

30)Third degree atrioventricular block;

31)Resection of 2/3 of the liver with moderate impairment of hepatic function;

31)Resection of the liver with moderate hepatic function;

32)Resection of the liver with a defect of the tongue;

33)Liver resection with a defect of the tongue.

32)subtotal pancreatectomy with insulin dependence;

33)nephrectomy of one side with contralateral renal insufficiency in the decompensated stage;

34)bilateral ureteral stenosis with renal insufficiency in the decompensated stage;

35)permanent ureterovesico-peritoneal fistula;

36)total removal of the bladder;

37)pneumoconiosis in the third stage.

38)pneumoconiosis II with moderate impairment of lung function and/or moderate hypoxemia;

39)pneumoconiosis II combined with active tuberculosis;

40)radiation pneumonitis followed by fibrosis of both lobes of the lungs, accompanied by moderate impairment of lung function and/or moderate hypoxemia;

41)granulocyte deficiency;

42)aplastic anemia;

43)occupational chronic leukemia;

44)toxic hematologic disease, myelodysplastic syndrome;

45)toxic hematologic disease, severe bleeding or platelet level ≤ 2 x 1010/L;

46)arsenic skin cancer;

47)radiation skin cancer.

5.4 Grade 4

5,4.1 Principles of grading

Severe organ defects or deformities, serious functional disorders or complications, the presence of special medical dependence, or partial or no impairment of self-care.

5.4.2 Series of Grade IV Clauses

Anyone who complies with 5.4.1 or one of the following clauses is considered to have a Grade IV injury.

1)Moderate intellectual impairment;

2)Severe epilepsy;

3)Psychotic disorders with lack of social skills after 1 year of systematic treatment;

4)Single-limb paralysis with muscle strength ≤ grade 2;

5)Partial muscle paralysis with muscle strength ≤ grade 2 in both hands;

6)Cerebrospinal fluid leakage accompanied by irreparable bone defect at the base of the skull or repeated surgery failure;

7)moderate facial disfigurement;

8)generalized scarring ≥60% of the total body area, limitation of the function of one of the major joints of the limbs;

9)facial scarring or implantation of ≥1/2 with mild disfigurement;

10)complete loss of both thumbs or complete loss of function;

11)complete loss of function of one hand and partial loss of function of the other hand;

12)complete loss of function of one hand and partial loss of function of the other hand;

13)partial loss of function of both hands;

14)partial loss of function of both hands; and Partial loss of function of the other hand;

12)Absence on one elbow;

13)Absence below the knee on one side, and absence of the forefoot on the other side;

14)Absence above the knee on one side;

15)Absence below the ankle on one side, and walking difficulty with the deformity of the other foot;

16)One eye has or has no sense of light, and corrected visual acuity of the other eye<0.2 or visual field ≤32% (or radius ≤20°);

17)Corrected visual acuity <0.05 in one eye, corrected visual acuity ≤0.1 in the other eye;

18)Corrected visual acuity <0.1 or visual field ≤32% (or radius ≤20°) in both eyes;

19)Hearing loss of ≥91 dB in both ears;

20)Tooth clenching or only liquid food due to esophageal stenosis;

21)1/2 maxillary defect on one side with facial soft tissue damage>500px2;

22)Lower collar bone defect of 150px or more in length in the region with oral and facial soft tissue damage>500px2;

23)Bilateral bony ankylosis of the temporomandibular joints, with a complete inability to open the mouth;

24)Bone anesthesia of the temporomandibular joints, with complete inability to open the mouth.

24)cavernous defects of the cheeks>500px2;

25)bilateral complete facial paralysis;

26)total lung resection on one side;

27)bilateral lobectomy;

28)lobectomy followed by thoracoplasty;

29)lobectomy followed by ronchiectomy and plication.

30)Lung transplantation on one side;

31)Heart valve replacement;

32)Cardiac insufficiency grade II;

33)Anastomotic stenosis after esophageal reconstruction, only able to eat fluids;

34)Total gastrectomy;

35)Pancreatic head and duodenal resection;

36)Small intestines resection 3/4;

37)resection of 2/3 of the small intestine, including ileocolic resection;

38)total colon, rectum, and anus resection, with ileostomy;

39)post-traumatic anal defecation with severe obstruction or incontinence;

40)hepatic resection 2/3;

41)hepatic resection 1/2, with mild impairment of liver function;

42)biliary tract injury with moderate impairment of liver function;

43)severe impairment of thyroid function;

44)renal repair with decompensated renal insufficiency;

45)ureteral repair with decompensated renal insufficiency;

46)permanent cystostomy;

47)severe voiding obstruction;

48)neurogenic bladder with residual urine ≥50mL;

49)bilateral adrenal agenesis;

50)stage II pneumoconiosis;

51)stage I pneumoconiosis with moderate impairment of lung function or moderate hypoxemia;

52)stage I pneumoconiosis with active pulmonary tuberculosis;

53)sick sinus node syndrome (those who require a

53)sick sinus node syndrome (pacemaker);

54)significant adrenocortical hypoplasia;

55)significant immunocompromise due to radiation damage.