Why China should develop a comprehensive transportation system
I. Railways play a role in the national comprehensive transportation network (a) the measurement of the backbone of the comprehensive transportation network transportation mode on the comprehensive transportation network structure, can be divided into the national (or regional) backbone network, regional backbone network and the basic network at three levels. The indicators for determining the role of a mode of transport in the integrated transport network in terms of the role of the basic network and the role of the backbone network are very different, with the role of the basic network focusing on the surface and its use in daily production and life, the role of the national backbone network focusing on the connection between regions and the role it plays, and the regional backbone network focusing on the connection of the main economic points of the region with the national backbone network, regional centers and the regional centers. The role of a mode of transport in the backbone network can be measured by its share of the total volume of transport carried by society as a whole, and by how much it is higher than other modes of transport, in order to indicate its widespread and generalized use, with a higher share indicating a stronger role in the backbone network and a higher degree of closeness to people's lives and lifestyles, but not a complete indication of its role in the backbone network. The role of a mode of transport in the backbone network should be measured by the socio-economic importance of the points it directly connects (two or more points), the intensity of passenger and freight transport flows, and the role of that mode of transport in which it plays a role, and the proportion of the volume of transport it undertakes to the total volume of transport of the whole of society does not necessarily have to be the highest, but it must be the main role in the channel transportation, and the volume of transport accomplished accounts for the proportion of the total volume of transport on the corridor is high. If the transport plays a major role in the vast majority or most of the transport corridors, then the more prominent is the role of the transport mode as the backbone of the integrated transport network, and the more it is the main transport mode of the backbone network. Due to the different scopes of service and roles of national (or regional) backbone network and regional backbone network, they can be different modes of transportation, but the mode of transportation of national (or regional) backbone network must be suitable for long-distance and large-capacity mode of transportation, while the regional backbone network can be either a large-capacity, high-density mode of transportation, or a large-traffic-volume mode of transportation The larger the land area, the wider the distribution of population centers, and the greater the distribution of resources, the more prominent is the role of this mode of transportation in the comprehensive transportation network. The larger the land area, the wider the distribution of population centers, the more uneven the distribution of resources, and the clearer the regional division of labor in industry, the stronger the core role of the backbone network. The degree of development of the backbone network not only affects the rational development and utilization of resources, industrial layout, and fair development of inter-regional socio-economic, but also determines the overall level of the comprehensive transportation network, and influences and guides the development and rational layout of regional networks and basic networks. (II) China's railroad in the integrated transport network backbone role of China's vast territory, east-west and north-south span of 5400 km and 5200 km, respectively, the average distance between the provincial capitals up to 1500 kilometers or so, a large number of populations, widely distributed, regional economic development is not balanced, the industrial layout and resource distribution is extremely asymmetric and other characteristics of the formation of high-intensity interregional passenger and cargo flow, determines the regional The importance of the trunkline transportation network in the comprehensive transportation network, and its importance is significantly higher than that of small and medium-sized countries in general. The layout of the trunk transport network and the choice of the main modes of transport are directly related not only to the level of mobility of the country, but also to the efficiency and economy of transport and the proportion of the overall transport costs in the national economy, which in turn affects the strength of the capacity of spatial displacement of people or goods, the efficiency of resource allocation, the breadth of the market scope and the degree of development of the commodity economy, the equitable development of interregional as well as the international competitiveness of the products. international competitiveness, etc. Therefore, in the construction of China's comprehensive transportation system, it is necessary to give full play to the advantages of various modes of transportation according to their technical and economic characteristics, rational division of labor, and coordinated development; and to highlight the economy of transportation in trunk line transportation, while meeting the requirements of effectiveness. China is a typical continental country, with large economic links and mutual exchanges, which requires a strong mode of transportation to link the whole country and national economy, and at the same time guide and promote the development of other modes of transportation. The most significant features of railroads are large carrying capacity, low operating costs and low energy consumption, which have absolute advantages in passenger and cargo transportation over medium and long distances with large volume and high traffic flow, and also have strong competitive advantages in intercity short and medium distance passenger transportation with high traffic flow and high density, and are the backbone of the regional transportation modes that are most suitable for China's economic and geographic characteristics and people's income level. This can be seen from the vast territory of the United States, Russia, Canada have a strong railroad network as a pillar of the national economy can be confirmed. Although from the 90's, China's highway and civil aviation has gained great development, the railroad transportation formed more and more obvious competition, but the railroad in the national economy in the pillar role and in China's comprehensive transportation network in the role of the platform is other modes of transport is difficult to replace. 1. the role of the railroad in the transportation of energy, raw materials is other modes of transport can not be replaced by the imbalance in the distribution of China's resources and industrial distribution asymmetry, the main distribution of resources in China's economy and industry, the distribution of resources is not symmetrical. Distribution asymmetry, resources are mainly distributed in western North China, Northwest, Southwest China, industry and economy are mainly distributed in the eastern region, thus, forming a strong energy and raw materials from west to east, from north to south of the bulk, long-distance cargo flow, the land transport distance is generally up to 800 ~ 1000 kilometers or more, or even 2000 kilometers or more, to the coastal ports of the transport distance are generally 500 ~ 700 kilometers or more. The distance to coastal ports is generally 500-700 kilometers. These goods are important materials for the development of the national economy, and their stable and timely economic supply is directly related to the growth of the national economy, which is the focus of regional transportation security; in fact, China's comprehensive transportation of goods transportation network is largely centered on the transportation of these materials, whether it is the "Seventh Five-Year Plan" ~ "Ninth Five-Year Plan", "Ninth Five-Year Plan", "Ninth Five-Year Plan", "Ninth Five-Year Plan", "Ninth Five-Year Plan", "Ninth Five-Year Plan", "Ninth Five-Year Plan", etc. "Ninth Five-Year Plan" period of transportation "bottleneck" constraints, or the coal transportation in 2003, the most prominent manifestation of the constraints by the lack of railroad capacity makes these materials can not be timely and in sufficient quantities to meet the needs of the production of the consumer. At the same time, the value of these goods is relatively low, and the transportation cost accounts for a large proportion of the value of the goods, so the economic requirements for transportation are high. Therefore, these goods must mainly rely on large transport capacity, low transport costs of railroad transport or rail-sea transport to meet the needs of road transport can be shared to a limited extent, mainly for the short-distance collection and distribution of these goods as well as some of the short- and medium-distance transport to supplement the transport. 2002, the national coal production of 1,380 million tons of coal, the railroad coal transport volume of 819 million tons, accounting for 59.35% of coal production, accounting for a total volume of outward transportation, and accounting for a total of 1,380 million tons of coal. The proportion of total primary outward transportation may be as high as about 80%. From the future development point of view, China is in the accelerated development of industrialization, basic industry will also have a larger development of energy, ores, raw materials and so on will remain a larger growth in demand. By 2020, in the case of improving the efficiency of energy use and vigorously energy saving, the energy supply needs to double, that is, to reach 3 billion tons of standard coal, in order to support the national economy quadruple the target. From this, it can be inferred that the volume of bulk energy, raw materials and other goods transportation undertaken by railroads will continue to grow at a certain rate in the future. Even with the development of highways, road transport capacity has increased significantly, the road long-distance transport of these materials is still a lack of economy. 2. Railway in China's medium and long-distance passenger transport main role is also difficult to replace China's vast territory, the population is large, inter-regional, inter-city movement of people based on a large number of people, and travel long distances, the transportation cost of spending more. At present, China's people's living standards, although the overall well-off, but the level of income is still relatively low, the cost of transportation on people's travel and choice of mode of transportation has a great impact. Especially in the existing passenger groups, working job seekers, students, low- and middle-income people to visit their relatives and travel, individual small business operators accounted for a large proportion of their ability to bear the cost of transportation are relatively limited. Railroad passenger transport is not only less expensive, but also safer than other modes of transport, in terms of time and speed, through five major speed increases, speed lines have reached a speed of 120-160 km / h, in transit time is significantly shortened, the main cities basically realize the "night to day", "one day", "one day", "one day", "one day", "one day", "one day", "one day", "one day", "one day", "one day". It has basically realized the "overnight arrival" and "one-day arrival" between major cities, and is responsible for the main transportation tasks in the medium- and long-distance passenger transportation as well as in the inter-city passenger transportation with large flow. Relevant information shows that in 2001, in the long-distance passenger flow of more than 1,000 kilometers, the share borne by the railroad accounted for about 67%, and the rest was mainly borne by civil aviation, with the highway accounting for a very small proportion; in the medium-distance passenger flow of 100-1,000 kilometers, the share borne by the railroad was more than 90%; and in the short-distance passenger flow, the proportion borne by the railroad was about 2.5%. According to the survey of 32 major cities in China, in the direct passenger flow of major cities in China, the share of railroads is 63.56%, airways 19.26%, and highways 17.18%; among them, the market share of railroads is the largest within the range of 400-1200 kilometers of transport distance, which is about 72.6%; the share of railroads is 59.2% in the range of 1200-2400 kilometers; and the share of railroads in short-distance passenger flow is about 2.2%. 2400 kilometers is 59.2%; greater than 2400 kilometers of the railroad market share of 50.2%, less than 400 kilometers of 61.4%. From the analysis of future development, although with the development of the economy and the improvement of people's income level, the ability to pay for transportation costs increases, and the number of passengers choosing air travel for long-distance trips will gradually increase, but the railroad is still the dominant mode of medium and long-distance passenger travel. First, although people's incomes have increased and living standards have improved, the overall income level is still not high, even if the per capita income quadruples with the GDP, according to the base projection of 2000, by 2020, the per capita income of urban residents will be about 25,120 yuan/year, and the per capita net income in rural areas will be about 9,020 yuan/year; at the same time as the increase in income, the expected expenditure on housing, education, medical care and other consumption has also increased A significant portion of rural and county residents will also have to bear the huge resettlement costs of urbanization. Therefore, the economy of traveling remains important to most people. Secondly, China's inter-regional and inter-city travel distances are long, and the total transportation cost per trip is high. According to a survey of passenger flows in 32 major cities across the country, the node matrix of the 32 major cities, the shortest rail distance is 137 kilometers (Beijing-Tianjin), and the longest distance is 5,172 kilometers (Xiamen-Urumqi), with the average distance is 1,893 kilometers; among the 496 city pairs, 22 pairs, or 4.4%, are less than 400 kilometers, 335 pairs, or 67.6%, are 400-2400 kilometers, and 139 pairs, or 28.0%, are greater than 2400 kilometers. Therefore, choosing the appropriate mode of transportation is very important for travelers. Although there will be more and more people owning private cars in the future, it will mainly have a greater impact on short-distance travel, and a smaller impact on medium- and long-distance travel. In terms of distance between major cities in China, rail is a mode of transportation with the highest function/price ratio. Thirdly, the service quality and operating speed of railroads are improving, and the competition between railroads and highways has a strong advantage in medium- and long-distance passenger transportation, especially with the development of passenger dedicated lines, the advantage is more obvious. In terms of long-distance passenger transportation, although there is fierce competition from aviation to railroads, railroads are still the main mode of transportation for people with incomes below the middle-high level. Fourthly, in large volume intercity passenger transportation, railroads are highly competitive even if the distance is not long. In short, China's current and future considerable period of time in the stage of development and income level determines the railroad in the cross-city, inter-regional, inter-regional passenger travel in the important role of people's medium and long-distance travel needs of the most important carrier, the railroad passenger transport will also provide different grades, different price level of transport services to gradually meet the travel requirements of passengers of different incomes and levels of consumption.3. The degree of slack in railroad transportation is the Judge the national transport tension or not the main indicators of measurement of the railroad in the integrated transportation network in the backbone of the role, not only reflected in itself, but also reflected in the impact of other modes of transport. First, the railroad transport tension, will cause other transport is also relatively tense, such as the railroad can not be timely dredging, will cause the port backlog, the highway dredging task aggravated; Railway passenger transport is tense, air transport is also tense. China's transportation tension or not, the first refers to the railroad, only the railroad transportation tension relief, the national transportation tension situation can be truly alleviated. The development of other modes of transportation, although it can reduce the pressure on the demand for railroads, but can not replace the railroad in our country in the long and above the distance of the fundamental role of passenger and freight transportation.