Does HHT handheld terminal, a specialized equipment of SF Express, emit radiation? Does it have a great impact on the human body?

1: the entire series of intelligent transmitters can be common 2: the use of microprocessors for bidirectional communication 3: can be connected to any line terminal socket 4: you can read the data value of any transmitter, will not cause interruption of the measurement signal if the above one you do not have to worry too much. In fact, the source of radiation is very wide. Such as cell phones, household appliances, flaw detection tools, medical equipment ...... Even thermos bottle guts have radiation! Radiation is understood in both real and imaginary senses. The real meaning can refer to heat, light, sound, electromagnetic waves and other substances to spread around a state. Imaginary meaning can refer to the property of extending in a straight line from the center in all directions. Radiation itself is a neutral word, but the radiation of some substances may come to harm. For example, nuclear radiation. Your HHT handheld terminal belongs to the electromagnetic radiation, and the radiation caused by the cell phone is a nature there is no need to worry.