The single-armed exoskeleton is a new type of single-operator equipment developed in recent years, which can have a huge effect on medical, military, and logistics after it is officially put into use.
Many of us have seen countless cool steel armor and skeleton in science fiction films, and there are countless people envy Iron Man that an invincible steel armor, to become a super warrior is exactly what has become the dream of many young boys.
With the gradual maturation of exoskeleton technology, this technology may be able to make our dreams come true.
We first need to recognize exoskeleton technology. An exoskeleton is a highly sophisticated combination of electrical engineering, engineering mechanics, biotechnology, and neuroscience that consists of a frame made of steel or synthetic material and can be worn by a person as a one-person suit to provide extra mobility.
The earliest design concept for exoskeletons was to put them into the military realm, so that every soldier could become an invincible super-soldier, able to travel freely in the rain of bullets and kill on the battlefield. So far, there have been a few auxiliary reinforcement type of exoskeleton began to put into the troops in the actual use, but not as powerful as the movie, just can enhance the legs in the movement of the strength and speed, but this kind of exoskeleton has appeared in the real troops, the same kind of equipment in the movie may not be far away.
And after the military, it's time to put the technology into the medical as well as civilian fields. Exoskeletons in the medical field are relatively more weight-bearing and accurate, but due to the limitations of current science and technology, medical exoskeletons are only used for rapid handling of medical supplies and transportation of the injured, or as disability aids, and are not able to perform precise surgery or medical activities.
Overall, exoskeleton technology is still an immature but promising technology, which can help us accomplish many things in our daily lives that were impossible before, in addition to defending our country in the military field. We should be supportive of this new technology.